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Yaya's POV

Me and Kuru was with Captain Kaizo here in planet Kasuta.

Maskmana sent us here to take a look at the power sphere ThrottleBot, since the owner Mr. Dili called ThrottleBot has been disfunction ever since he was used last year's Race in the event at the Nova Prix Race.

And that's why we're here.

The Planet was lovely, The Aliens were friendly and few Kasutan kids were greeting and waving at us. As by myself i waves at them back with my warmest smile ever. The weather was nice and the city was fascinating based by technology. There were many vehicles parked at the residents here in the planet. But Most of the vehicles were seen everywhere.

As me and my company went inside the main building of Planet Kasuta, we saw some Kasutan staring at us in with their own expressions. I kept myself walking following Captain Kaizo with Kuru behind me focus as well.

"Please come in." Mr. Dili said and welcomed us inside a high tech room in the middle stood ThrottleBot in its dormant mode. With few Kasutan authorized members taking a look at the power sohere.

As Captain Kaizo do the talkings.

Me and Kuru went to the middle room observing the dormant power sphere, Kuru was studying it scanning the parts while me, i was just taking a look at the power sphere. By the looks of it, it looks like it's been overused and i felt pity for it because this power sphere is used to power up vehicles for the Nova Prix event once a year. And for i know there are thousands of vehicles roaming around this planet.

"Hmm.. The Power Sphere looks quite overused? Its necessary to take this to Tempur-A and let the power sphere engineers deal with this. Planet Kasuta doesn't have the equipments or tools to fix this." Kuru said her glasses showing a small screen of holograms about ThrottleBot.

"Find anything." Captain Kaizo interrupted.

I stood back away letting have a closer look.

"Nothing Captain but the Power Sphere needs a full-time maintenance sir. And it might take a few days to fix this since the whole power sphere itself doesn't have any amount of energy." Kuru said and look at Captain Kaizo. Seriously scanning the disfunctioned power sphere.

"Alright. I already talked with Mr. Dili. Take the Power Sphere with us." Me and Kuru nodded and saluted exchanges glance at each other. As me and Kuru were currently on progress of taking ThrottleBot as unexpected a loud explosion shooks us nearby.

Me and Kuru stand in our battle stance as the Kasutan People were already running in fear away from this building. Me and Kuru rushes outside of the building to see Captain Kaizo outside gripping on his sword staring up, we run to his side and saw an enormous spaceship wrecking havoc all over the city.

"Yaya! Save the citizens Kuru! go and take the Power Sphere back to the ship." Captain Kaizo ordered and i handed the power sphere to Kuru then flew fast to save the few citizens from danger. "This Way." i said and lead them to a safer place away from the disaster.

As i fly back i saw Captain Kaizo near the Spaceship slashing it using his sword, his attacks were no used because there was a barrier protecting the Spaceship unable for the Captain to stop it. As he lands back to the ground i meet up with him.

"Change of Plans. Yaya. I need you to manipulate that spaceship and threw it to the ground. Somewhere place that doesn't involved the citizens unharmed." Captain Kaizo said while me i shifted my gaze to the Spaceship Attacking the city. As again another hardest choice of my life is in at stake. I sigh and nodded at Captain briefly. I fly faster towards nead the Spaceship and then i started manipulating it.

I stood at my place balancing my palms while manipulating this big spaceship.

As sweat started coming out from my face. I started taking the Spaceship out of the City with my energy slowly draining, i maintained my balance and flew normally away from the city towards a desolated place not far. I threw the Spaceship there and it crash landing. And suddenly i lost balance to myself and fell from the sky, as i was currently falling, twitch my eyes then suddenly save myself from reaching the ground, my energy was drained and my body suddenly sat at the ground with my palm on my chest feeling my heart beat.

Captain Kaizo and Kuru came, Kuru went near me while Captain Kaizo approaching the Spaceship 10 meters away.

"Yaya? Are you okay?" ask Kuru in concerned, i nodded and let out a smile catching my breath. As the two of us turns towards Captain Kaizo's direction. We saw him entering the Unknown spaceship already, "Be Prepared." Captain Kaizo mumbled through our watches, we both nodded clearly at him and i stand up. Even if my energy condition is not quite good.

I can still battle but without using my powers.

As we currently wait, we heard some laser shots inside that made me Kuru and i gasp in worried. We both lowered ous positions and suddenly we gasp. Seeing someone has thrown out from the Spaceship.

"Adudu!" Kuru named, as Captain Kaizo came out from the ship pointing his blade to the square headed green alien, we both approach them and Kuru summons her shield on her arm from her watch, Wow. It was the invisible shield she used from our Training months ago.

"I surrender! Huhuhu!" Adudu cried in defeat.

"Kuru. Arrest him." Captain Kaizo ordered and Kuru nodded taking Adudu away.

While me and Captain Kaizo went inside its Spaceship i was scanning my eyes around the ship, the inside was big and has many cool alien gadgets in a corner which Captain Kaizo is looking at. While me i went to a corner seeing a big iron door. The Door was locked from the inside and there was no way in to open this door but to hack it or from the other side. I open my watch and started clicking swiftly hacking it to its secured and encrypted system. The Security System was quite hard to decode it but i manage to crack code and successfully hacks the system the door opening. As it opens i went inside to see a Power Sphere Charging Room.

I was surprised to see 5 Power Spheres stored in here from this room, and they were all in dormant mode. Unable to move or to talk.

"Yaya what did you found." Captain Kaizo came beside me and was surprised too. But still his expression was unreadable but i assumed the Captain was surprised.

He activates his mask.

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