No More

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As Boboiboy and Fang's Week Off came to an end.

Boboiboy sends a letter to Tempur-A. From the TAPOPS organization in favor of him and TAPOPS he sents a letter about Yaya.

Boboiboy wants to take Yaya back in favor of him, he wanted to end Yaya's place in Tempur-A thinking about her safety and was one of his priority. As TAPOPS supports Boboiboy's demands. He waited for Tempur-A's response.



As Amato reads his son's letter of pardon, a smiled grew on his lips.

Thinking about his son.

"What do you think Captain." ask Amato. To his side Captain Kaizo who is standing after reading the letter too of his son.

"I beg your pardon, Commander." Kaizo replied. "What do you think we should do?" he ask.

While Kaizo stood in his place thinking in his mind. His gaze still on the letter in their hands. "Your Son knows what's best for everything Commander it's what his known for, as Yaya already faced many dangerous consequences in her life, and by Boboiboy means he wanted us to have Yaya back to Earth." Kaizo answered while Amato briefly listens to him. "Are you implying that we should release Yaya?" The Commander hinted.

Kaizo looked at him expressionless.

Kaizo nodded.

"Alright then. We'll settle it with the admiral. Come with me Captain."


At the Hospital, All of the bandages and restraints in her body and head are removed. And Yaya was discharge and payed by Boboiboy himself.

As Ying take Yaya to her apartment thye hang out like the old times they usually do, reading, watching movies and eat together. The two was reunited once again.

While Ying was unpacking her things, Ying sees a pink watch and necklace. Ying smiles warm while seeing the necklace.

Its Boboiboy's gift.

Ying thought then after seeing the necklace Boboiboy had given to Yaya. As she finishes fixing her things and stuffs, she walks to Yaya's room inside she see her sitting at the edge of the bed, wearing her hijab hidibg few of her scars and bruises.

Ying closes the door snapping her attention.

"Is there something wrong Yaya?" ask Ying as she walks to her, sitting beside.

Yaya just sighs.

"It's Boboiboy, he wanted me to leave Tempur-A." Yaya said directly her voice in monotone. While Ying patts her back hugging her friend her other arm on her shoulder. "Well, He wants you to be safe Yaya, here at back at Planet Earth were you used to live." Ying reminded and Yaya was just listening to her Friend, Ying was right Boboiboy was just being practical about her. However Yaya still feels hesitant because she can't just leave the organization behind just like that now that....

She sighs stopping there.

"Alright. I'll leave if it's for the best then."


4 days later...

"Boboiboy." Fang called entering the fleet, with the Commander and Admiral with him.

"Yaya already approves, shes ready to leave. We're just gonna have to wait for Tempur-A's announcement." Fang said while Boboiboy nodded.

"That's good to hear then. Okay back to our discussion. Boboiboy and Fang, as you two know Sai and Shielda have returned from their mission. Now it's time for the two of you to get to your new mission as well." The Commander announced and the two saluted.

As the two was sent to a mission right away, Sai and Shielda takes a week day off at Planet Earth. Too just like Fang and Boboiboy did.

While at Tempur-A

"As you know, we've gathered here today to talk about Yaya's situation. As you see Yaya is currently on her Suspension today due to a disaster consequence on the previous mission, one of the TAPOPS elite members has requested a letter of pardon, to release Yaya." The Commander Amato started having a meeting to the Tempur-A members as well.

"Is Yaya gonna be release?" ask the Commander Afrina.

"We don't know yet, Commander. But for now we must settle and decide wisely about this. Yaya has been a good agent to us and it would be an honor of having her as one of our own, but that's not us to decide because Yaya her own already approves and we cannot do anything against it." Maskmana said, everyone on the room fell in stiff silence.

Captain Kaizo, Captain Ramenman, Maskmana, Commander Amato and Commander Afrina.

"Kaizo, send the message now." Kaizo nodded and left the room.

"Amato, Afrina it's time."

Afrina sighs while Amato nodded.

Commander Afrina and Amato left the fleet and walks towards where the Private Members are.

"Commander?" Raniah called as she stand up fast as soon as they entered. "Settle down everyone. We have a news." Amato orders and everyone stayed quiet paying attention to him.

"It has been decided." Amato pauses taking a quick glance at Afrina. Everyone on the room kept silent, waiting for the Commander's news.

"Yaya can't be with us Anymore. She's been sent a letter of pardon from TAPOPS specifically from my Son, Boboiboy." Commander said. "And for that she is being release and soon to leave Tempur-A." he finished as everyone was in shady silent feeling surprised and sad at the same time, well because Yaya became already a part of the family in Tempur-A. And everyone wasn't expecting this.

Raniah raised her hand.

Amato Gestures.

"What's the reason Commander?" ask Raniah her voice in low tone.

"Thank you for the Question Raniah, as you see Yaya doesn't really belong in the headquarters. As we all know My friend, Yusri and his first daughter Hanna. They were killed, they were dead and we don't know what to do at that time, then we found out Yaya was in a coma, Afrina went there to check on her but she invited her instead. Yaya grew up in her father's care after Wawa died, and the real reason is that everyone back at Earth wanted to hurt her and now that she's in space it was more of a risk and complicated for her but still i believe in Yaya, she has the potential yet still not ready. And Boboiboy wanted her to be safe," Amato explained. "Dont be upset Raniah, at least Yaya will be safe. I am a bit upset and disappointed too but i think it's for the best for her." Afrina said touching Raniah's left shoulder.

A tear escaped from her eye, smiling giving them a quick nodd.

His Lady [BBb FanFic Completed] BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now