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"How is Enerbot?" Ask the Commander to her computer.

"Enerbot is good to go Commander. All of its damaged parts are fix and restored." The Computer said showing holograms of Enerbot's parts.

"Thank you Computer."


Training Room

"First of all before we practice, You need to know our powers just for incase if we battle you." Kuru said smiling towards Yaya.

"Of course." Yaya said.

"Riz go ahead." Kuru insisted.

Riz walks into the middle while Yaya's gaze went upon him.

"As you already saw, I have Weapon Manipulation. I can cast any different kinds of weapons such as swords, guns or any high tech killing weapons. With my arms of course." Riz explains while his arms turns into weapons. A sword and a gun.

Everyone claps.

As Riz went off, Raniah came in next.

"My Abilities are includes Laser, i could demonstrate it if Leo wants." Raniah said sarcastically. "Boooo!" Leo disapprove. "Shut up!" Raniah yelled automatically irritated towards Leo. She stops as the group looks at her. She sigh happily. "I have super human senses and speed to fly." Raniah said, Raniah closes her eyes then suddenly she glows into bright yellow making everyone twitch looking away. Then shoots laser in her eyes then her hands.

"That's all." She said then everyone claps.

After the performance that Raniah made. Leo jumps in.

"Witness this, I'm about to make you all blown away!" Leo Braggs. Raniah rolls her eyes.

"This man right here has the best ability. I can change my personality mood depends on the problem that also increases my abilities. For example if Raniah shoots me her laser it will make me angry then suddenly that's where my powers comes out. I can't demonstrate it now since it's quite dangerous because last time was a disaster and you don't wanna hear that." Leo said Yaya just nodds in understanding.

"Too Late!" Raniah yelled then shoots Leo with her multiple lasers, The groups then panics.

"Raniah! What have you done!?" Devi exclaims.

"Oops." Raniah now regrets.

After the smoke, suddenly Leo in the middle was still standing but with red energy swarming all over him, his hair turns red his fist clenching. And his eyes beaming in blood crimson red. He lits his face to see everyone in shock staring at him with their expression.

"Leo its us, Talk to me buddy." Riz said calming him down whiel walkinh to him slowly.

Leo didn't respond he just glared at him.

In a blink, Riz was hardly punch away towards the wall, creating a massive crack towards the wall, Riz drops in the floor with blood bursting in his mouth. The group gasp, Raniah runs to him.

"Riz!" Raniah yelled so worried going towards him, she hunches checking him out with her eyes teary. "I'm sorry Riz.." Raniah said with her voice cracking.

"Leo stop!" Kuru yelled as Leo fastly approaches Raniah and Riz, but as Kuru went ahead she activates her tech glasses same as her energy shield. Generating a great impact betwren the two, Yaya and Devi was slightly blown away.

"Devi! Go get Commander!" Yaya yelled.

Devi fastly runs away from the room leaving Yaya alone, Yaya stood standing worried about her new friends Kuru and Leo was currently battling each other. Ans as Yaya witness the battle it is truly said that Leo is strong and quite dangerous too.

"Leo its us!" Kuru yelled while deflect his hard punches towards her.

Leo didn't even blink nor talk he just kept attacking her. As Kuru didn't expected Leo punches the floor creating a massive shock away that throws Kuru away. With her shield has a crack, Leo jumps aiming down to Leo.

"STOP!" a loud voice took over the place.

Everyone gasps, seeing Leo floating in mid air not hitting Kuru yet. Their gazes went to Yaya in her place with her hands glowing in bright pink, her surroundings filled in wide pink. Leo frowns seeing Yaya interfering him, it made him annoyed more. Yaya frowns then raises Leo high.

"Ramiah knock him out!" Kuru yelled still from her spot.

Raniah nodds.

"Yellow Dominating Heat Blast! HIYAAAAA!" Raniah releases a gigantic laser from her eyes aiming at Leo. A bright yellow light that blinded everyone unable to look, as Leo didn't stand a chance he receive a hot and painful laser blast from Raniah. With the strong force pushing him, Leo gets slam in the hard wall while getting beaten up at the laser heat.


The Commander, Devi with Nanobot came. Raniah immediately stops her attack, Leo was left unconscious falling to the round but Yaya in time saved him from it.

Raniah sighs in guilty, looking at Riz, Kuru and Leo. She felt upset about everything.

"Argh!" Riz groans as some AI robot nurses are taking him away, while Kuru was assisted by Devi. Leo already was tooken away.

Yaya approaches Raniah, with her state she was on the verge of crying. Yaya just comforts her.


Planet Owhsis

Boboiboy and his team made it to the Planet Safely. While his crew was back into the hidden HQ Boboiboy was outside in his element form Ice. Because of the cold atmosphere in the whole Planet is was already nightfall and his still outside investigating.

His Lady [BBb FanFic Completed] BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now