Lieutenant Red

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"Well I'm currently working here as a writer." Ying said while me i was just listening to her, we went to Tok Aba's Kokotiqm.

I offered her hot chocolate.

"You're a writer now? What do you write?" i ask. I bet she writes something about me ey. Hehe. "Well i write news about Boboiboy." Tssk about Boboiboy huh? Nothing for me then. I secretly rolled my eyes then look at her.

"Did you just rolled your eyes at me?" she ask, what?

"Uh, Yeah?" i answered and then after that she rolled her eyes at me too. Tssk she never changed still the clumsy pig tails i knew years ago. I crossed my arms looking at her annoyed of any possible.

"Still the old arrogant hedgehog i know." she said teasing me.

"What did you just call me!?"

Back to Boboiboy's POV

As the next day came, in the Kokotiam i saw Fang with? Wait is that Ying? as i walk further approaching the shop. I saw them bickering at each other like an old couple does. I chuckled at them they were probably catching up each other.

"What did you just call me!?"

"What are you deaf now?"



As they kept arguing with their forehead clashing at each other, showing no defeat until their reunion lasted for about 15 minutes.

"That's enough for today." i interrupted and then the two of them looked at me in horrors which sacares the hell out of me in sudden stepping away my face drained in color. As the two calms down back facing each other with their arms crossed i grin to Fang and then started helping Tok Aba with a costumer.

At the counter, Fang was busy sipping his hot chocolate while Ying was writing in her pad. "Hey Ying." i called. She looked at me. "Yes Boboiboy?" she replied averting her gaze from her pad.

"How have you been doing?" i


Planet Messina

"Yaya be careful those ugly aliens will hurt you." Raniah said while aiming her hands shooting the aliens at the head, her smirking.

"I'm not really good at this shooting stuff." Yaya said nervous while lifting her gun slowly aiming at the aliens.

"Just relax okay? I'm here." After that Yaya nodded trusting her and Raniah just blasts them off easily leaving smokes and destroyed pieces of scrapped metals scattered everywhere. When the coast was clear Yaya and Raniah entered the inside still alertee because they have entered the Power Sphere Hunter's place. Yaya gulps and kept her eyes on the place.

As Raniah step on something. She widens her eyes to see an incoming laser towards her and Yaya, shs pushes Yaya down the two of them landing on the floor together.

"Are you okay Yaya?" she asks Worried. "Yeah I'm okay? How about you?" asy Yaya fixing her cap's position. "Yeah come on. I think The others are already waiting for us.

At the meeting place.

"Why are those girls taking so long? It's been 20 minutes already." Leo complaint raising his both of his hand dropping his laser gun to the ground. "Patience Leo. Maybe those girls are busy of sorta." Kuru reasoned. "Oh yeah like what?" Leo ask narrowing his brow towards Kuru's direction.

Out of somewhere "Like kicking your Ass." A voice interrupt and all of them saw Yaya and Raniah, "Whatever." Leo rolled his eyes and approach them including everyone as well.

"Where were you two?" Ask Devi in concern. "We're fine Devi, no need to worry for us." Raniah reassures with Yaya giving them a relief nodd.

"Who is that?" ask Yaya seeing a new a face at the room, she saw a guy tied in an iron rope in a corner guarded by Riz. "I'm Red. Nice to meet you pretty face." The guy said while everyone looked at him, Yaya letting out an awkward stare at him.

"Uh?! Eww Red you weirdo! Stop creeping on my friend. Why is he even here!?" Raniah complained looking at the guy in her most disgusted and irritated face ever. Red just winks at her and Raniah rolled her eyes giving him an annoyed look.

"We found him sneaking up in here as well." Kuru said.

"Why did you miss me babe?" everyone on kept quiet except for Leo who is laughing at Raniah. "Oh yeah sorry my bad i forgot he was your ex- WHAT THE HELL!?" Leo didn't finish his sentence when he received a hard smach at his arm glaring at the annoyed looking Raniah.

"Finish that word and you'll be dead as him. Leo."

After the small chit chat, Riz takes the anonymous Red away putting him in a small prison outside at the spaceship preventing him from sabotaging their mission just for incase.

"Who is he?" ask Yaya curious.

"He's not worth to know Yaya." Raniah said and started walking faster than her. While Yaya felt bad asking that question to her, "I can tell, but promise me you won't tell Raniah." Leo said walking sides with Yaya after Raniah left the stop for him.

Yaya glances at Raniah for a bit then averts her gaze back tk Leo.

"I Promised." Yaya said and Leo smiled childishly.

"Hehe, Red was Raniah's Ex Boyfriend, they broke up 3 years ago. Knowing Red was an accomplice of Tempur-A's enemy shattered her heart like their relationship. Raniah even tried to kill him but she couldn't." Leo said while Yaya was intently listening to him.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Is he human like me?" Yaya ask interested. "Nah he's just a humanoid alien like me. We both came from Planet Gogobugi, but before he became a bad guy. Red used to be a good agent like us, he rescues power spheres as well, hes from Sunnova Station. Under Commander Boom and Captain Silver." Leo explained.

"Wow? What a history?" Yaya said surprised. "Yeah insane right? Captain Ramenman told me this. And i was blown away as well." Leo said chuckling while Yaya was slightly smiling at him, after Leo generosly shared a backstory of Red to her. The group soon arrived in an arena full of aliens and there were like them as well.

"What is this place?" Yaya ask seeing the noisy and crowded place in her sight, at the arena there were aliens battling and with everyone yelling at their bet of who would win.

"This is where the other aliens go for. We must battle these freaks in order for us to retrieve the Power Sphere Marinebot." Leo explains while watching the horrible scenery in front of them, Yaya again once became nervous as they face another battle literally a real one.

His Lady [BBb FanFic Completed] BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now