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yknow how you asked
me how i get
off to yknow who


i'm uh
i'm willing to show you


"you don't have to do this yknow..."

namjoon watches as jungkook unbuckles his black belt, tugging out his white shirt from inside. he seemed serious about it and at this point it was too late to go back. i mean it's not that he didn't mind or anything but the younger was doing it for the older's curiosity which to him was something he didn't expect from jungkook. in fact, it made him wonder...

the younger gently palms himself through his cotton, navy blue underwear, sitting at a comfortable angle, one that namjoon could have a good view from too. the comforter underneath him was soft against his skin as he tried not looking at the older too much, not trying to give anything away as much as he wanted to. jungkook pants a little as precum starts to form, causing his underwear to stain from the wetness.

even namjoon could tell he was into it now. yet his eyes never hesitated to look away one bit, it fascinated him....no, it actually turned him on.

once jungkook felt he had teased himself enough, he pulled down the hem of his underwear to release himself. the pink, flushed member was helplessly and painfully swollen as it kept spewing out precum. the cold air made jungkook shake a bit, it felt nice against him. yet, his eyes still never met namjoon's hazed ones.

his hips thrust into his hand at a slow pace, teasing himself in a way, and as he stroked himself he began to hold in any excessive moans. it saved himself from embarrassment since the person he usually does this for is right in front of him, watching him closely. jungkook then puts the end of his white shirt in his mouth, so he wouldn't accidentally say the older's name like usual, his abs peeking through. his flushed face became more and more spread with pure pleasure.

"are you feeling that good?"

the younger almost screamed at how low namjoon's voice had gotten for that question. he put his head down again in embarrassment and ignored him. because it wasn't that it felt extremely good, it was just that he was extra sensitive so any tiny inch of pleasure turned more intense than normal. and of course the older could tell and was just playing dumb.

the younger was close to cumming, he could tell by the way his body began to go limp and shaky, so he picked up his pace and closed his eyes. by this time, namjoon had stood up from his spot and leaned towards the focused boy, his arm reaching for his chest. he pinched one of his nipples and watched as he jumped a bit, letting go of the shirt in his mouth as white ribbons of cum shot out. the flushed bunny whimpers softly as he still rubbed himself, the rest of his cum spreading on his abdomen as he came off his high.


he felt so embarrassed. he never expected to open his eyes to a shocked namjoon. but more importantly...he had just came in front of the person he liked, his closest friend for crying out loud. he felt so much regret. why did he listen to jimin, what an idiot.

at the moment he was sitting on the living room floor at namjoon's place, rethinking his decisions and if it was already too late to transfer schools.

"do you want some water?"

"no thanks." jungkook hugs his legs to his chest, his chin resting on his knees. namjoon shrugged it off and then sat on the couch the younger was leaning on. he knew the younger was feeling some type of way and he knew it was partly because he had touched him. he hadn't meant to but the younger was just so open and vulnerable that he just couldn't hold back.

but there was still something else that bothered him, it was so obvious that he was just too slow to see it before. all of the descriptions and clues the younger had carelessly said and namjoon knew he wasn't meant to know, ever. so at this point he needed to ask.

"is-is the person you like," he sighed heavily, "its me, isn't it?"

there was silence. he asked again but only got a mumbled response.

"shut up."

"i just want to know, i mean i know i'm dumb and what not but i just need to know so please answer m-"

"shut up, shut up, just.....shut up, please..." the younger covered his ears, frustrated with himself as tears blurred his vision.

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