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"did auntie teach you how to cook?"

"no, that culinary arts class actually taught me something to be honest."

jungkook munches down on his dish, enjoying every last crumb. it was honestly so delicious that he was afraid he was gonna need seconds. meanwhile namjoon looked frustrated, like something was just bothering him.

"what's up?"

"uhhh...nothing, sorry..."

the younger shrugs it off and continues with his, well whatever was left of the plate. but again, he saw the older grow bothered soon again but this time he was gonna say it.

"it's just, something's bothering me,"

"what is it?"

"i-well how do just get off to him?"

jungkook chokes on his glass of orange juice and gets some of it on his sweatpants, "w-what?" he wipes his chin with a napkin. namjoon seemed so serious that he was not about to repeat himself. "do you mean like why i do it or how do i have the mentality-"

"physically. how do you do it?"

". . ."

𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐭 𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now