Chapter 26 - "I am sorry..."?

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Wiping away my tears, I heard somebody calling me. "Akira!" It was my father. "Yeah?" "Could you come down, here for a second?" I took a deep breath and opened the door. "Coming!"

Later I went back to my room. My father just wanted to tell me that he won't be there tomorrow, due over-time. I somehow managed to him, not noticing that I cried. As I opened the door, I shrugged. The window was open. I stared at it for a while then looked around in my room, trying to not get my hopes up. Nobody was there. I walked towards the window. "Weird... I thought I closed it..." I closed it once again. I sat back at my desk and stared at my laptop. As I reached out for a pen my hand hit agains something. "Huh?" I looked up just to see a book. "Was this... Laying here before...?" I took the book in my hands and read the title. It was called 'Lost in Hopes and Thoughts'. "I... Didn't have this book before... Did I?" I opened it and froze as I saw the inner side of the book cover. Somebody wrote in it.

I am sorry...

My lips trembeled as I read it. I ran to the window and opened it. I looked out. "Yato..." Tears dripped out of my eyes as I realized that nobody was there anymore. "" I clenched my fists as I closed the window. I sank on my knees and held my hands in front of my mouth as I slowly whimmered, crying my soul out. It was better if nobody heard me right now... Suddendly somebody spoke up.

"Don't you wish to die?"

As I came back to realisation, I heard a knocking against the window. I looked up, not changing how I sat right now. I saw hands, placed on the window. I stood up and opened it. "Akira-chan!" I couldn't speak up at first. "H... Hiyori..." It was one of my precious friends, I just lost... Well... At least her spirit. She stood on a branch of a tree in front of my window. As soon as I opened the window, she hugged me. "Akira-chan..." I didn't hug back. I just stood there until she let go. "Are you okay?"

I remained for a while.

I can't do this anymore...

"I... Am not..." "Eh?" "I am not okay." I tried avoiding my tears to flow out even more. For a moment it was silent. "Heh... Of course you aren't... I'm sorry..." I didn't answer. "Yato was here a moment ago, was he?" I remembered the book. It was lying on the floor, beside my feet. "I guess he was..." I stared at the floor. "Akira-chan, listen... Yukine and I are trying to talk to Yato...!" I looked up. "Before... In the café, as we asked where you were... He told us that we should distance ourselves from you in attempt to you being happy..." I stared at her. As she wanted to continue talking, I cut her off. "Then... Why don't you do so...?"

I can't take it anymore, being hurt...

"Why... Why don't you just leave me alone...?" I cried. "Because... We are friends, right...?" I bit on my lower lip. "Yeah, right... Friends..." It somehow felt so sarcastic... How stupid... "I... I sure envy you, Hiyori..." "What?" "No... It's nothing... Really..." I took a deep breath and put on a faint smile.

"I... I will try to change myself... And then... I will see you again... Even if I'll see you for the last time... I will meet you again... The three of you... But until then... I'll be prepared... I'll prepare myself for you, leaving me once again..." My voice trembeled. My vision was blurred. "So please... Give me the time to prepare myself for that..." "Akira-chan..." "Please...!" I closed the window. Hiyori just sadly stared at me. I put on a sad smile and waved. Then I turned around, sitting back at my desk. As I turned around once again, she wasn't there anymore.

I then looked back at the deskopt of my laptop. I breathed out and layed my head on my hands. "Friends, huh...?" I put my hands at the back of my neck, placing my head on the desk.

"I wish I could also say that..."

[Author's Note]

Eh, goumen. This chapter was kinda short. (At least it seemed like that to me, while writing it ._.) And also sorry for not updating twice this week, since i forgot to update, two weeks ago... I might update tomorrow once again. But I can't promise anything... I'll have an internship from tomorrow until friday and I'll have to write a report .-. Ah so troublesome :T However, how do you find this book until now? I hope you're enjoying it :)

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