Chapter 48 - I knew all along...

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"Akira... You... Remember?"

I gasped. Only now did I realize what I actually said. And only now did I realize how many tears were running down my face.

My knees were loosing their strength. The more I thought about it, the more I hated the fact that I wasn't even able to stay on my feet after saying those words which just left my mouth.

I pulled away my wrist from his hand. "And... If I did?" His eyes widened. "What...?" I bit on my lip. "What if I remembered all along? You would hate me, right? You would leave me because I didn't say earlier... Because I didn't tell you because of how selfish I was... You would hate me... I know you would! I'm sure you would! There is no way you would not hate me fo--"

Suddendly I felt arms wrap around me. Yato hugged me. My eyes widened in surprise. I tried to push him away. "No... You should not do this! You should hate me...! After all I... I..." I couldn't think clearly anymore.

He just held me tightly. "You should not treat me like this... Not... Not after I... Not after how much I lied to you... Not after all of this... Y-You shouldn't..." I wasn't able to speak. Instead, I just stopped struggling. "You... You idiot..." I hiccuped.

His arms were almost suffocating me. "Yeah... I am an idiot! Struggle as much as you want... Call me idiot as much as you want... You can do anything! But right now I am just so happy..." Only now I felt how much he trembled.

After a while, he let go of me. He rubbed his eyes with the sleeve of his jacket as if he was trying to wipe away some tears. He then buried his hand in his hair. "I always thought... That you can't remember... That you don't remember anything at all... That you don't remember me at all...!"

He looked up and our eyes met. "It was even hard looking at you... Without thinking that things will not be as they used to be... It was hard thinking that you are not the same person as you were back then... It was hard thinking that... That I lost you and... That it was all my fault..." His lips formed into a bitter smile. "It was hard... Thinking that I never was and never will be able to be your hero..."

I still was unable to talk.

So after all... I was not the only one who was suffering...

After he paused, he opened his mouth once again. "Akira, I--"
Suddendly another voice interrupted. "Well, well, well... Seems like you made up." The girl with the brown hair from before... Her voice came from behind Yato. He turned around and his eyes widened.? "Nora...?" She seemed to pout a bit. "You know... I don't really like that name..." She sighed.

Yato was just glaring at her. "What are you looking for?" The girl just smiled. "You know why I am here." She looked at me. "After all you know yourself that it is risky for you to have a Yokai." As Nora was about to walk towards me, Yato walked inbetweet of us. "That is the past." Nora's smile disappeared.

"Past or present, who cares? This girl is no good for you. If she dies, you also will die. If she's hurt, you also will get hurt. She is not even worth that."

My mouth opened a bit in surprised. Right...

I was not worth it.

I clenched my fists.

Not a single bit...

I put a hand in Yato's shoulder. "She is right, Yato..." He turned around. "What...?

I just keep...

"Even if gods are reborn... It would not be worth to die because of someone like me... After all I am just myself."

Messing everything up...

I smiled. "It is okay for me, if we ended the contract. I would be happy. No one will get hurt... Everyone will be happy... It is fine! Let's just emd it here, as it is..."

But yet...

A small tear rolled down my cheek. How many tears I already shed because of him... I wonder...


"Are you stupid?!" I was surprised by his reaction. "Wha--" "After I finally met you... After you finally are released from people that bother you... After you are able to stay by my side..." He put his hands on both sides of my face and squeezed them together, so that I couldn't talk properly. "Do you think after all of that I would just let you go? That I would just let you forget me one more time?!"


I tried my best holding back my tears.
All I wanted... Was him to be safe... So why was he refusing...?

You are still too kind, Yato...


You are too kind to a person like I was...

"That really is too bad..." Both of us turned to where the voice came from. Nora just blankly stared at us. "Yet I wonder..." She softly tilted her head to the side and smiled. "Who will be the real victim if the contract won't end."

You are too kind...

With that, she vanished. "What... Did she mean by that...?" Yato's voice didn't seem very calm. I grabbed his shoulder. I was trembling. I didn't even want to think of what would happen now... "Hiyori and Yukine... We have to find them..." He turned around to face me. "What...?" I grabbed him by his collar. "We have to find them... Now!!" I almost shouted.

... For no use...

[Author's Note]



Okay wtf that made me sound like a masochist...

Well whatever, I actually already wrote this chapter like... Five weeks ago, I don't even know... I couldn't publish it since I was on holidays and the WiFi in the hotel sucked ass... And as I finally was at home I switched on my phone and



It took so long to rewrite stuff because school started one again... I already am dying due lack of sleep... I hope you still enjoyed this chapter o_o

Btw I am struggling with myself. I actually wanted to publish more chapters this week, but the more I write, the sooner it will end ︶︿︶

I even already wrote an epilogue. So up until I publish that, there won't be more that six chapters for sure... That's why I wanted to ask you guys.

Should I publish more chapters this week OR should I only publish a chapter once a week?? Please let me know what you guys think ;-;

See yah in the next chapter, mah fluffs ♡♡♡

Let Me Be Your Hero (Yato x OC)} Noragami fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now