Chapter 21 - Please stop, worrying...

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We just spent the rest of the time, sitting in the rain, silently. Then we heard the school bell. I slowly stood up, water dripping from my clothes and hair. "We... We better go..." I stumbeled straight ahead. Yukine also stood up.

"Akira...? Are you okay...?" I softly chuckled. "D-Don't worry... I'm perfectely fi-" I slipped and fell on the ground. Yukine hurried to me. I heavily breathed. "Hey, Yukine... Is it just me... Or is it really cold...?" I just stayed on the ground, shuddering. Yukine put a hand on my forehead. "Akira... You have a fever...!" I smiled. "A fever, huh...? Heh... It's my fault after all... For waiting... In the rain..." Everything in front of my eyes, slowly faded away.

My eyelids heavily opened and I found myself on my bed, in my room. My mind was blurred. I felt warm. Too warm. I saw someone sitting on the side of my bed. All I could see was a man, in a black jersey. He had nightblue hair. I tried to sat up. But my head hurt. So I just layed there, slowly parting my lips.

"" The man turned around. "Akira! You finally woke up!" "How long have I been unconscious...?" "For two days!" "E-Eh...? Two days...?" I remembered what happened. I went unconscious in school. "What... Happened while I was unconscious...?" It was silent for a while. "Yukine called me... I carried you home. But... He only told me that it was because you were sitting in the rain... He didn't told me, why, you were there. Did something happen?" He got out his phone. "And... What did you mean with this text message? Did the others..." I turned around, in my bed, not facing Yato. "Nevermind...", I whispered. Yato sighed. "You really are troublesome... Always making me worrying about you..." "You... Worry about me...?"


"Of course I do!" "Huh..." It was silent again.

Please stop being so nice to me.

"And yeah... Let's say... I got dumped, again..." "You did?!" "Mhm... Whatever I'll do..." I pulled the blanket over my head. "...It'll always end up like this..."

It will only make it harder for me as it already is...

"Then how about if I cut bonds between you and your schoolmates?" "Eh? W... What do you mean...?" I glanced out of the blanket, looking into Yato's glowing eyes. "I could cut the bonds between you. It would be a lot easier for you, I guess... They won't forget you. Just what happened between you. They will treat you like a new student. As if they didn't know you before. You could find friends, easier like that... I mean, only if you want to..."

So you still want me to find someone else?

I stared at him in disbelief. I wanted to sat up but even only thinking of it, let my head ache, so I stayed in my bed.

You want me to forget you, after all...?

"Y-You would do that for me...?!" Yato grinned and patted my head. "Of course. We... Are friends after all, right...?"

After I found all these new friends...?

I smiled as I felt a slight pain in my chest. "Yeah... Friends..."

After I met you, Yato...?

He clapped his hands. "Okay. I'll have to do that when Yukine is around. It wouldn't work out without him. But the most important thing..." He layed a hand on my head, petting it, gently. "You will have to get better, soon, Akira..." He softly smiled.

After finding the one... Who accepted me as I am...?

I actually was glad, that I had a fever. If I hadn't, my face would have gone all red. "You should rest... I guess, I'll let you sleep.", he said as he turned around. "Yato..."

It hurts.

"Huh?" He wanted to go, but I tugged on his jersey. "Stay... Stay with me a little longer..."

It hurts to know, that you will leave me, someday...

I didn't know it it was due my blurry vision, the fever, or anything else. But I wanted him to stay with me.

But even though...

He slightly blushed. "A-Akira. I think your fever raised. You are starting to say weird things...!" I smiled at him. "It's not weird... I just want you to... Stay with me, longer... Even if it's just for a couple of minutes... Stay with me..."

Even though...

He blushed harder and let out a sigh. Suddendly he layed down beside me. He gently wrapped an arm around me and hugged me, thightly, against his chest. "Yato..." "Shh... Rest..." with the other hand he stroked my hair. I took a deep breath, inhaling Yato's scent. It was so comforting... I looked up to Yato's face. His eyes were closed. Was he asleep...? "Yato..." I buried my face in his warm chest, listening to his heartbeat. "I love you..." I fell asleep, not noticing him, seceretly glancing at me, and smiling bitterly.

Can I even dare... To think... Or at least dream... Of you, being by my side...?

[Author's Note]

Sorry for letting you wait, dear readers... It's just... The usual stuff, you know? School, club activities, homework, preparing presentations, and so on... And now I even got a slight fever...! I still am going to school though, since I don't really want to catch up what I missed so... Yeah. Sorry once again! In future, I'm planning on updating at least once a week! Thanks for understanding and taking your time to read this. See ya in the next chapter!

Let Me Be Your Hero (Yato x OC)} Noragami fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now