Chapter 19 - Coming closer to being a Hero

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I closed the door behind me and sighed. I was at home, again. "Akira? Is that you?" I could hear the voice of my father coming from the living room.

Bishamon said he knows about, what happened to mother...

I stepped in the living room. "Yeah. It's me." My father sat at a desk and was staring at the deskopt of his laptop.

Should I ask him about it...?

I took a deep breath. "Father... Actually there is something I wanted to talk to you about..." "What is it?", he stated without removing his eyes from his laptop. I gulped. "It's about... Mother's death..." With those words it grew silent.

He turned around, looking into my eyes as if asking 'What do you mean?'. He stood up. "Let's sit down on the sofa..." I nodded and sat at the one which was on the opposite of which he was sitting on. I opened my mouth.

"Mother... Didn't die by an accident... Did she...?" My father rubbed his temples and sighed. "Akira... I already told you that I don't want to talk about th--" I cut him off by raising my voice. "But I want to." I gazed at him. His eyes widened a bit. I stood up and looked at him.

"As a daughter I have the right to know what happened. And now I asked you again. How did mother die?" "By an accident...", he answered silently. "I want to know the truth. Not that, what you told me all those years along." My father also stood up. He headed back to his desk. "Father...!" "I don't know what else would have happened." I chlenched my fists. "Why... Why are you so stubborn...?" He stopped walking. I smiled sadly. "It's because of me, right? It's because she dies because of me... It's because the fact that she  gave her life to me... It's because because I'm alive and she's dead... It's all because I was bo--"

A sound echoed through the room. Father slapped me. I held my thumping cheek with my hand and clenched my fist afterwards. "It's all because of me, isn't it?!" I almost yelled, holding back my tears. "It's... It's all my fault... That's why..." I felt arms wrapping around me. "Father...?" I felt how he trembled.

Was he crying...?

"Akira... I'm sorry, I just... No... it's not because of you... I am glad that your mother gave you her life..." "Then why...? Why were you lying for all those years?!" He let me go. I saw tears coming out from his eyes.

"I didn't want to make it any harder for you. I knew you would only blame yourself. So I didn't tell you. That's why I lied all those years along... But now look at you. You grew up, and found out what really happened. And you blamed yourself after all..." He smiled sadly. "You're just like your mother..."

That was the first time, I ever saw my father crying.

He wiped away his tears. "So... How did you find out?" "I met Bishamon... She told me..." "You met Bishamon?!" I nodded. "Heh... Good to know that she's still alive. Well... She's a goddess after all..." He looked into my eyes. "That means, I don't have to explain anything more to you, do I?"

I shook my head. "No... I know everything... What mother was... How she died... I'm pretty fine..." "Okay then." It was silent for a while. "I have to make my homework. I'll go into my room." "Yeah. Sure."

Without hestitation I went into my room. I closed the door behind me and sighed. I headed towards a mirror. My cheek was still red from when my father slapped me. As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I saw someone in the back of the room, sitting on my chair at the desk. I sighed. "Yato. How many times are you going to break into my room?! I'll call the police, you know?"

I turned around and looked at him. "I'm a God. They can't capture a God, can they?" I chuckled. "Who knows?" I suddendly felt him glaring at me. "Akira... What happened to your cheek?" He stood up and stepped closer. "It's bright red..." He touched it.

"Ah, that... I asked my father about mother... It kinda escalated, but I'm fine for now." I stepped backwards, because of Yato coming so close. I suddendly stumbled and fell. I tried to grab hold of the nearest thing, next to me and closed my eyes as I fell on the floor. I slowly opened my eyes, just to see Yato's face which was close to mine. I noticed that he was practically laying on me. I must have grabbed him as I fell. His eyes fluttered open and he looked at me. I blushed. "Uh... Sorry. Are you okay, Yato?" He didn't answer. I could see a small blush on his face. It seemed like he just realized what happened. But he didn't move at all. He just stayed like this and stared at me. "Yato...?" He parted his lips. "I'm sorry, Akira..."

With those words he came closer. He held me in his arms. "For... For what?" I felt his breath on my neck and shivered. "For all of this... Since I met you, I made your life even more complicated than it was... I'm sorry..."

My eyes widened but softened after a while. I slowly wrapped my arms around his back. "No. That's not true... I am thankful." I let go and softly pushed him away. He looked at me and put on a small, sad smile. "For what...?" I smiled. "Yukine, Hiyori, Kofuku, Ebisu, Bishamon... And you. Because of you... I made a lot of precious friends! Without you... I still would be alone. I still would be the same as before. I still wouldn't know, who I even am... That's why, I am thankful."

It's true. I got a lot of new friends...

He looked into my eyes for a while. He then sat up. So did I.

It seems like I slowly am changing...

He scratched the back of his head and smiled. "That's... Good to hear. I'm glad."

Which means I slowly am coming closer to a decision, I will have to make.

"Yeah." "Akira." "Yes?" "Does that mean... That little by little... I am being your hero?" I giggled. "My hero? You still are claiming for that?"

Either it will be, staying the way I am, which would mean, staying with all these friends I made, but continuing getting hurt and hurting others...

"Of course I am. I'm proud to be a god. But sometimes I want to be a hero, too."

Or changing myself, finding new friends, forgetting about all the others and living on.

I tilted my head. "Hero, huh? Ah, I got a new idea for a book!" "What? That fast?!"

Which path will I choose?

I stood up. At the same moment my phone rang. I picked it up, from my bag checked who it was. "Ah, my editor. Perfect timing!"

Which will be the less painful?

As I pressed on the button, I noticed Yato smiling at me. A small blush came up on my cheeks. I averted my gaze and concentrated in talking to my editor.

Which will cause less damage, inside of me?

Maybe I don't even want to know...

Let Me Be Your Hero (Yato x OC)} Noragami fanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz