Chapter 0 - Reunion

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I always have this impossible little hope that suddendly you will remember one day and realize we are meant to be together.


"Mom? I'm going out, okay?" My mother walked towards me. She wore a pink apron which said 'kiss the chef' and held a ladle in her hand. She smiled. "Akira, could you maybe please get some groceries? Yukio-kun will drop by tomorrow to study with you for the entry exams for high school, right? I would like to cook something nice." I sighed.

And beyond some miracle I'll never understand... I got to keep you. I'm beginning to understand what it actually means to want something, one more time.

"You don't have to cook something extraordinary... He only is a friend after all." My mother's smile widened. "But a friend who confessed to you, right?" I had no comment on that. "I don't think of him that way. I was the one who said that I wanted to only be friends." My mother pouted. "Geez... Fine then... But still get some, okay? Our fridge is getting empty."

And I want so much right now...
I want to make you happy. I want to give you the world like you did to me.
I want to give you a home.

I softly smiled. "Sure." Before I left, I glanced to the living room. "See you later, dad." He smiled. "Yeah. Take care." With that I left the house.

I want to stay with you and grow old with you.

Everything seemed to be normal. Yet it felt weird. It felt as if I was missing something... This feeling was there constantly. It was as if I forgot something important. This feeling got more intense with time. Yet there was nothing. Nothing I could possibly miss. I had a healthy family... Friends... Sure, studying for school was rough but... That was possibly not that, what was missing.

I want to be with you every single day...

I finally reached downtown. It was filled with a lot of people. But well... It was still Sunday after all.

Even without realizing it...

I looked around. "Grocery store... Grocery store..." Suddendly I saw a man from behind. He had the same haircolor as Akatsuku did. I walked towards him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Ah, Akatsuku, what are you doing he--" The man turned around. Sure, he had the same eye and hair color as Akatsuku. But he was a completely different person. I didn't know him. Yet, I couldn't help but look into his piercing blue eyes. Until I actually realized that I was staring at him.

I am...

I let go of him and bowed. "Ah, sorry!! I got the wrong person!" As no response came, I looked up. Only then I noticed a boy with blond hair and a young man with violet hair and piercing blue eyes, as the other man had, standing behind him. As I glanced at the boy, his eyes widened. The other one with violet hair just shrugged. The more I looked at him, the more I couldn't help but notice how similar his hair color was to mine.
Suddendly I felt hands on my shoulders. I looked back at the dark haired man. Somehow he looked incredibly happy. "It's no problem!!"

In love with you.

For some reason it was hard to speak. "Um... Are... Are you sure? I would be glad to maybe buy you a cup of tea or something..." "If you don't mind!!", he indstantly replied. I couldn't help but softly laugh about how he reacted. "My name is Akira. Kamitsuka Akira. What about you guys?" I also pointed at both guys behind him.


"Well... I am Yukine. You could say that I am an assistant of that stupid idiot." The man put on an irritated expression. "Assistant?" The man nodded. "My name is Yato. From Delivery God." He suddendly held up a card and handed it to me. On it was a phone number. Suddendly he put hit his hand against the back of the violet haired boy. "Come on... Introduce yourself." The boy seemed to glare at Yato. But then he bowed. "Hiro. My name is Hiro."

Any hope.

"We can solve any problem for five yen. You just have to call us." I put the card in the pocket of my jeans. "Ah, so kinda like oddjobs?"

And somewhere, in the deepest corner of my mind...

Yato nodded and smiled. "But of course you are also welcome if you just need company." I didn't know why but my heart was beating like crazy. I bowed. "I hope we will get along in the future."

I wish for me not to forget you.

These three persons were weird... But... They somehow had a warm aura... It felt so familiar...

I wish... That we still belong together.

"We will, for sure!" I looked up. "Hm?"
I wish for you to wait for me.

And every time I looked into this person's eyes it felt as if time would stop. And sure, he was smiling, but... It felt as if I could also sense a hint of melancholy in his smile.

And I wish...

"You have to know... I am a hero after all. Not only that but also a god! The greatest of them all!!"

That even if you have given up on waiting for me...

As Yukine and Hiro facepalmed I laughed. And for some reason if felt as if tears were about to well up. Not because I was sad. No, not at all. Rather because at that moment... I felt incredibly happy.

That our fates...

As if I found... Some people who were very... Very important to me...

May still intertwine as they did back then.

Let me be your hero - E N D

[Author's Note]

So the first thing I'm gonna say is that you may think that 'Hiro' is the same name Yato has given to Nora. And sure, that's true. But the fact that the son's name also is Hiro has nothing to do with Nora. It's just that I chose the name Hiro for their son, because it sounds like the english word "Hero". I hope that's fine...

Second of all, also some might think Hiyori is dead. Well, that doesn't have to be true! Maybe she was reborn and they just haven't found her yet but are about to. Just saying!!

However, I finally completed my first fanfiction... I decided on naming it "Chapter 0" since everything starts from the beginning from now on c:
I didn't have that much time to draw the pic in this chapter properly, so I kinda rushed it... I hope it still looks fine ;u;

First of all, I want to thank you guys for reading this fanfiction ♡ I didn't really think that I would end up with that many votes... It was pretty rough for me at the beginning, to be honest :') The actual plan was Akira being half god or something like that. But I thought that it might be a bit too cliche... And I also did not plan a lot of things in this fanfiction... Yet it somehow worked out, thanks to you guys v.v You are amazing, thank you for everything, really ♡♡♡

Some of you guys have asked if I will write another Noragami fanfiction... Well, I was thinking about it and I think I might actually write another one. But it will take a while, since I want to write other fanfictions and still have to make the storyline for that fanfiction ^-^ Also I want to try to improve my writings!

The reason behind me, not being able to write without any grammatical errors a.o. is actually that I am from Germany. I moved to England when I started writing this fanfiction <: So please forgive me for my (kinda) bad English xD

Btw... Fun fact: The first book I wrote here on Wattpad was a diary of my well... Um... Weird... REALLY weird... Daily life. Wow... The more I think about it the more I want to smash my head against a wall... Okay howevaaaaarrrr *tries to change the subject* °-°

I am very thankful to you guys. I am not even able to thank you for all the support and motivation you have given me to write this fanfiction :)

For now I will just say goodbye! Maybe we will see each other in one of my other fanfics again... Or in the Noragami fanfiction that I plan to write in the future! I hope to see you until then. And if we do meet again, let me know if you were one of those awesome readers who supported my first fanfic ('∀`)♡♡♡

Thanks so much, one last time!!!

Your Author-chan ╰(*'︶'*)╯

Let Me Be Your Hero (Yato x OC)} Noragami fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang