Chapter 40 - Nostalgia

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I wanted to write down, excactly how I felt.  somehow... The paper ended up being blank. And I could not have described my feelings any better.


I looked upwards as we arrived at the temple. My hands were trembeling for some reason. I smiled. "Is this your shrine, Yatogami?"

He awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "Well... Actually not... It's just that it's safer to spend the night here than outside, you know?", Yato said not turning around. I nodded. "I see..." He suddendly stopped walking. I accidentally bumped against his back. "You don't have to call me like that, by the way..." He paused for a while. "Just call me Yato."

He softly looked to the side and by seeing the corner of his mouth, I saw that he was smiling. "Once I become a popular god, I will have my own shrine." Then he turned his head back to the front. I saw from the back how he put his hand on his face and tried rubbing something away.

And as he took a small breath to say his next sentence, which somehow felt so melancholic. It was... As if I heard it before... "Count on me."

But even though it was so melancholic I also felt nothing at the same time. You know that feeling when you try to turn on your lamp and it just won't turn on? You expect that it will give you some light from the moment you press the button. But instead of that, nothing happens. You just end up waiting in the darkness for the lamp to finally turn on. You're not really able to do anything. Just wait.

That's excactly how it felt.

As if you knew something will happen at that moment, but it didn't.

Yato went to which seemed to be the entrance of the shrine. There was a small basin, filled with holy water. He took a shovel of water and poured it on his leg. As he groaned, the dark marks on his leg vanished. He sighed in relief and glanced at me.

"Um... Is everything okay?" Then he turned his head back. "Yeah... I'm fine..."

For a while it was quiet. "You should find a spot to sleep, Akira..." "But-" "I will be fine." With that he turned around and walked past me. "You should sleep." I watched him walking ahead.

It somehow hurt, seeing him going away like that. For some reason... I wanted to stretch out my hand to him. I wanted to be held by him. I wouldn't want to let him go. I would say that I was there for him. That I will never go away. That I'd stay forever. That I will never forget him.

But I am afraid, that might just end up being a lie.

It scares me.

It scares me so much.

[Author's Note]

Sorry for not updating last week. Also sorry for this short chapter ;-; I know I apologize too often but sometimes I just feel like a lousy author ._. I just can't help it

I might update later or tomorrow. See ya until then ✋

Let Me Be Your Hero (Yato x OC)} Noragami fanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin