Chapter 14 - Only a customer

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I slowly woke up. "Mh..." I wanted to look what time it was but just stayed how I was. Somehow it was more comfortable than normal. It was so... Warm. I sniffed a familiar fregnance. Like this, I could stay asleep forever. I felt an arm wrap around me. 'Wait a second... An arm...?'

I quickly opened my eyes just to see another familiar, sleeping face lying in front of me. "Y-Yato?!" He didn't wake up. Instead of, he even pulled me closer.

I blushed at how close our faces were. I felt his breath on my lips, which only made me blush even more. I tried to push him away. Suddendly he opened his mouth. 'Finally... He's awake!', I thought. He took air and whispered something.

"Akira..." I felt even more blood rushing into my face. And with that, I had enough. I pushed him away with all my might, until he fell from the bed, on the floor. "Ouch...!" He rubbed his head while I watched him from my bed. He looked up to me. "That's mean! Why did you do that, Akira?" "Why, you ask?" He stopped rubbing his head. "Huh? You're face is red." "Yeah, maybe because someone came too close, while sharing my bed with him!" "Hm? Oh that. Eheh..." He sat up.

"D-Don't 'Eheh' me! What were you doing on my bed?!" "Well, after I gave you the manuscript back, you said that you forgot to add something to it. Then you sat at your laptop and began writing. Suddendly you fell asleep. The grateful god I am, I carried you to your bed. And since it already was late and I was tired myself, I decided to stay here."

"Have you even thought of waking me up...?", I pouted. "Waking you up? You looked so safe and sound. So I didn't want to." I sighed. As I wanted to say something, I heard somebody calling for me. My father. "Akira! Breakfast!" "I'm coming!", I shouted back. I stood up.

Suddendly I heard a phone, which wasn't mine, ringing. Yato picked up. "Yato from God deliveries, how can I help you?" I opened the door as Yato all of a sudden took hold of my ankle. I looked back. He was still phoning. "Ah, I see. I'll be there soon. Okay. See you then." He closed hiphone and put it back into one pocket of his jersey. "I'll go to Yukine now and offer that customer's wish. If you want, you can meet up with Hiyori. Yukine and I will be back soon." Without any other words, he suddendly was gone. "A customer's wish...?" This words somehow felt as if they would clench my heart. "He'll be back soon..."

I already forgot... For Yato, I'm only a customer. Not anything more...

I walked out of my room.

As soon as he granted my wish, he'll be gone.

I slowly stepped down the stairs.

He'll forget me. And I'll forget him.

I walked from the hallway to the kitchen, where my father was waiting, while reading a newspaper.

He's only there to grant my wish, while I'm only his customer...

I sat down. "Morning, father." "Good morning, Akira.", he grumbeled in response.

But then why does it hurt so much to know, that he'll leave me someday?

I started eating my toast. "I'll be out, later.", I said nervously. "Sure. Just don't come home, too late." I nodded.


Let Me Be Your Hero (Yato x OC)} Noragami fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now