Poem#36: Platonic Figure pt.2

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I've created this little polygon for you
Little tribute made from various equations
Knowledge you gave before I ever knew
Complicated made simpler using these derivations

Now, this mended heart beats twice faster
Every angle shown me this precise height
Square root of three may be small, but its value becomes greater
When multiplied with its squared side value, together in sight

Realizing the unique structures within
Full of negativity now filled with positivity
I'll travel space, even through thick and thin
But the chances of us, is there a possibility?

Standing on the edges where we first met
Memories which played itself thrice
Square root of two, the value I mostly get
With three divided pieces, created this gift that'll be a surprise

Resisted the pressure the world gave me
Left you a piece of a crystallized diamond
Believed in me, but I want the world to see
The value in you as well, even if I'm gone


A/N: Platonic Figure and Platonic Figure pt.2 are based on most of the properties of an octahedron. If you have any other requests/recommendations for my next poems, please leave a comment.

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