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Tone of your voice, no more questions
It'll pass, I said, though I cannot eat or sleep
It's been a while, out of reasons
No more questions, promises you no longer keep

Don't say those words
They hurt even more, those promises
As I strum these familiar guitar chords
Imagining those incomparable luck of guesses

You'll meet someone who'll love you more
You deserve to be happier
You love me, but what is it for?
I had to let go for you my dear

Please be honest with me,
I'll believe anything that you will say
I'm sorry that it wasn't me
I can't promise anymore that I will stay

It's not easy to give
Just like you said
I hope you would forgive
And let go of those memories that are about to fade

Never Ending Thoughts Of HimWhere stories live. Discover now