Disney is a load of shit

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CJs pov

You know how in disney everyone gets a happily ever after. Well Disney is a load of SHIT. First of all I'm adopted by the best family in the world, then I get separated so I only live with one of my dads. I moved away from my best friend, and my dad's barely home anymore. Connor's been going to different places and leaving me with the neighbor Mrs. Anderson for the past two weeks. I don't remember the last time I've had dinner with Connor or anybody in my family. I kind of just want to go back to Tyler's house now. Mrs. Anderson is older, so some night when she plays poker or cards I have to spend the night at either Tyler's, Sawyers, or on some rare occasions Ricky's and the guys house.

I hate it, thanksgiving is coming soon and I don't know who I'm spending it with. Everyone is going to the family house to have thanksgiving, but it seems like to me that I have no family. And it kills when Mrs. Anderson takes me to church on Sundays and I asked "Cassandra, what are you thankful for?", And honestly I have nothing to say back. what am I supposed to say?

" oh yea, I'm thankful my dad leaves me with the 70 something year old neighbor to go around the U.S. and stay with his family. When I'm left at home like a piece of chopped liver, because my family isn't there".

At this point I just want to curl up in a little ball and well you know D-I-E. but if I were to say that to Connor he'd send me somewhere to get help. I've started cutting again, Cole almost caught me once. But I pretended I was washing my hands in the sink so he didn't think anything of it.

I don't even think Connor cares anymore, with him going to Africa, and now he's going to Minnesota on Wednesday to stay for Thanksgiving.

Mrs. Anderson drops me off at the apartment and I go and lay in my bed. After a while I go into the bathroom. the girl I see isn't me, she's broken, forgotten, lonely, and scared. I grab the bottle of ibuprofen off the shelf and pour some in my hands. I think or Cole and Connor. Don't do it. I love you. Please don't. Please CJ. I put the pills back in the bottle and lay in the cold tile floor, I breathe slowly and soon fall asleep. On the bathroom floor.

I'm awoken later by urgent shaking, I open my eyes to see Connor shaking my shoulders and almost crying. he sees my eyes and in one minute picks me up and hugs me really close. I can feel his rapid heart beat on my shoulder as he hugs me. he sets me down and tries to control himself.

"I-I found you on the bathroom floor and thought you were hurt. God you scared me" he said hugging me again.

Part of me wanted to feel bad, but the other half didn't care. he leaves me for long periods of time, but when he find me on the ground he starts to worry. Honestly I would do anything to be with Ricky or Kian or even Sam. I don't really want to be near Connor right now.

Once I fully wake up I rush to my room and lock the door. I lay in my bed and Connor starts pounding on the door telling me to let him in.

"Cassandra Jane Elissa-Mae June Dillion-Franta (he forgot Foyer) open this damn door" he yelled.

I folded the pillow over my ears and tried to mute him, eventually he stopped and I heard his car start outside. he's leaving me again, once I hear the car start up I open my door and see the front door open. I rush over and lock it, I fit on the couch and start a movie. I wonder when he's coming back.

That night

It's been almost 4 hours since Connor left last night. He didn't take his phone, so I can't call him. I'm starting to get worried.

It's now around 5 pm, he's been gone about 14 hours. I can't call anyone or they'll take me away from Connor's. I bring Domino into the living room and he lays on my lap on the couch. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

I'm awoken my a keys jingling, I hear three voices. One's Connors, and the others sound like Joey and Sawyer.
I hear Joey lead Connor to his bedroom and I open my eyes to see Sawyer in front of me.

"Cassie, can you please go pack an over night bag or something" he asks.

I nod me head and walk to my room. I pack up two outfits, pajamas, girly stuff, and grab Domino's leash. it's around 9:00 and Joey already has my pup in his arms and in a split second I'm bing walked out to their car.

"What happened" I asked.

"We found Connor at the bar drinking earlier, we had a drink with him as he slammed more and more. soon we realized that you live with him now, so we drove him home and told him we were going to keep you with us for tonight" explained Joey.

Just then it dawned on me, my dad was drinking because of me.

Sorry for not updating in like a month. Schools been hard, I had midterms about two weeks ago and now we're peeping for winter break and then exams in the spring and it's all too much to handle. and it's just been hard to find time to update and talk to you guys. 30 comments, 300 reads, 40 votes.

1 girl vs O2L (An Adopted by O2L FanFiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon