New friend aka my neighbor

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(CJs pov)

After all my classes Cory walked me to the bus we rode ,Trevor sat in front of us.we sat in the seat our hands still locked together, I was texting Ricky that I was on the bus with Cory. We pulled up to our stop and Cory kissed my cheek before I got off i went up and took Trevor's hand as we walked home,we walked in the front door and I was ambushed with hugs and kisses.

"Hey girl how was 5th grade",asked Connor.

"Good,I made two new friends besides Cory",I said.

"Who",asked Jc.

"Their names are Nick and Infinity",I said.

"Cool how's Cory",asked Sam.

"He's good we have all our classes together,and who signed me up for band",I ask.

"I did said Connor i want you to have a fun class,and band gets you outta gym",he smirks.

"What's for dinner",I ask.

"Well we were thinking Taco Bell because Kian just went out to get it",said Ricky.

"Okay",I said.

I went upstairs and started to do my math homework,fractions.then I had to read a chapter of this book my teacher assigned me.
I finished my math and my chapter so I was just waiting for Kian to come home when I decided to go up on the roof.i slid out my window and climbed up to pulled my knees up to my chest and just watched the clouds.

"Hey ",shouted a girls voice.

"Who are you",I ask.

"I'm Jadah Ann-Marie Johnson,what's your name freckles",she asks.

"I'm Cassandra Jane Elissa-Mae June Foyer-Dillion",I said.

"And I thought my name was long,hey Im comin over one sec",she said.

Jadah had long curly blonde hair,bluish green eyes,and an skin.she had her hair held back by a bandana and she was wearing a t shirt and jeans with air Jordan's.she looked kinda tomboyish but a lot of fun.
She jumped off her roof and landed on her trampoline.she gets down and climbs over the wall and up to the she sat down next to me and we started talking,I learned not to touch her Nutella or peanut butter, and She learned I'm epileptic.i also found out we have math and social studies together,I heard Kian calling so I swung back into my room and made my way downstairs.

I finished my dinner,took a shower,and got dressed in pjs.i snuggled under the covers and fell asleep dreaming of Cory and I,oh Cory.

(School next day)

I put my uniform back on this morning after Ricky washed it.i went downstairs and Trevor was in his uniform except today he had a green polo instead of a blue one.i sat down and scarfed some cereal down before we had to catch the bus, I sat next to Trevor as the bus moved along.we got there and my eyes searched for Cory, I saw him talking to Nick and Infinity and some other dude i don't know.i ran up to them and jumped onto Cory's back.

"Well hello have fun breaking my back",he chuckled.

I got off him and asked who the boy was.

"Oh this is my adopted brother Joey,he's 11",he said.

Joey had light brown shaggy hair, and Ice blue eyes just like Cory.he was about my height,he had what Cory was wearing yesterday and Cory was wearing a green polo.i shook hands with Joey and he smiled at me.i found out he had my band lass with me he was a saxophone,he also was in my Science class.well I'm happy i have four new friends and only new ones to come.

HEY SOO I USED Sara_sarah_13 description for Joey.and I used jadore_dasia for Jadah's description.i still need a BOY I already chose a girl so I need BOY this goal is 10 comments 1000 reads and 20 votes can you do it.

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