A New Chapter Response

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Hey guys so I know you've probably and seen Connor's latest video for about how he was quitting O2L. Well this is my response to it, my response is that I will support him and anything he does if it makes him happy and it makes him inspired to do more videos, and to him makes content a lot better. If it makes him happy, that automatically makes me happy. His fans should be able to support him, if we were really his fans we would support him because that's what fans do. I know a lot of people are really mad or sad about his decision to leave O2L. And believe me, I was too. Until I realized Connor was right, he hasn't been making videos like usually does, he hasn't been the happy-go-lucky person he usually is. And I miss that side of him and I want it to come back so badly and if I want that thing that made his like that to comeback than that means I have to allow him to quit or O2L. As a Fanbase we need to support him, if we love him like we say we do than we need to support him. He told us he loved us, that we were 1 million, that we were special, that we were important, that we are one-of-a-kind. He told us so many things that made us smile, laugh, cry, and make us feel like we were the only girl in the world. That being said if he could do all that for us, than we should be able to do this tiny thing for him. We owe him at least that.

On a completely different note I will be continuing the story I will write as many chapters as it takes to get to Present time. and then in the story he will quit O2L like he did on Monday. They will move out live how they will, and there will be a big plot twist that you guys will love. you'll want to kill me a lot because of all the cliff hangers and crap I write. But anyways I love you guys and in the comment below comment #WeLoveYouConnor.

Thank you for all you've done for me Connor. I Love You. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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