Chapter 28

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Lydia's Pov 

Mama and daddy went to go get Aunt Meadow from the train station today. They should be back by 2 at the latest. I'm planning on making my blueberry pie for every one tonight. Aunt Meadow loves beef stew so mama and I will be making that as well. Well I am going to once I get back from picking blue berry's. Mama and daddy left this morning so it's just the boys, Dorothy Mae and myself. Oh I can't wait to see Aunt Meadow. We only see each other once a year. It's sad how mama, daddy and aunt Meadow don't keep more in touch. When we was growing up mama and daddy would take us there to Texas to see her and the boys or they would ride the train to come see us. 

I looked at the clock and saw it was already going on noon. I have the boys and Dorothy Mae's lunch ready for them. I think while they eat I'm going to pick the blue berry's. I know Anderson will be here tonight and I hope he likes my pie I'm making. I'm only making it for him, but he don't need to know that. Mama thinks I'm falling fr Anderson. Little does she know I'm already madly in love with him. I just wish I could tell him. To be honest with you, I've been in love with him the second I saw him. 

I walked out of the kitchen so I can cheek up on up on Maw who was sleeping on the rocker next to her knitting things. I smiled at her. I don't know what we would do if we didn't have her. She's the only thing to a grandparent we have and we are going to keep her forever if we can. I walked outside to call in the children so they can eat and I can go pick blueberry's for the pie tonight. Anderson will be here at 5 and mama said she wants to eat by 6. I still have 2 more hours before mama, pa, and Aunt Meadow gets here. More then enough time for me to get the berry's and come back home and start cooking it for tonight. 

After I called in my brothers and my little sister I went back into the kitchen so I can give them there plates. 

"Lydia, how long is Aunt Meadow going to be here again." JJ asked me. I smiled at him. 

"2 weeks. And mama and daddy don't need you boys going crazy and actin up while Aunt Meadow is here." I told them. 

"Is Running Star going to be here. I don't like him." My 6 year old brother Henry asked me. I smiled at him. I don't like him either. 

"I'm not sure. I hope not." I said to my brothers. I don't care for Running Star. He thinks he is better then everyone. And if Aunt Meadow keeps him home will be fine with me. Him and Ruby Harris would get a long just fine. I looked and saw Dorothy Mae eating her lunch. 

"Eat up boys. I'm going to pick blueberry's for the pie. Keep an eye on Dorothy Mae and Henry. Dylan, Dalton you are in charge. I'll be back home by the time mama and daddy get here with Aunt Meadow. Love you all." I said to my brothers and my little sister. 

I walked out of the house after I grabbed my pail so I can put the berry's into. I took off walking to the back of the woods where the blue berry's go wild. I'm planning on making 2 pies. I hope I can get enough berry's for two pies. I want Anderson to take as much as he wants. I'm thinkin if he likes my blue berry pie he would take a like in me. I'm not getting any younger. I'm 18 and still never been with a man. 

I found some blueberry's and I picked them and put them in my pail. I will need way more then this. I popped 2 in my mouth and the best wild blueberry's I've ever seen and tasted. This is going to be a good pie. After I picked as many as I could I started to walk where I know there's more. I'm not taking all of the berry's at once. I got to leave some for the animals and I don't want to waist any more then I will have too. 

It's been a week since I saw Anderson. I've seen him once this past week. Mama, Dorothy Mae and I took lunch out to the men out in the timber that day. Anderson just looked at me and smiled. I hope I didn't make him uncomfortable around me. A lot of the girls said I made the boys that way when we was younger. I didn't really have any friends in school. Mama and Pa knew that and they kept tellin me 'In Time You Will'. Well, Anderson would be the only friend I've had and I don't know if he even likes me or not. 

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