Chapter 29

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Cap's Pov 

I was down at the timber company doing my job on this nice summer day. Today is the day that Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert went to go and get Mrs. McRoy from the train station and I'm having dinner with them tonight. I walked over to the wagon where the pail of water is sittin. I took a couple of drinks before I splash some on my face. It's going to be another hot afternoon. Lucky we have the trees in our favor. I was about to walk of the hill again when I saw Dylan running to all of us. I looked over at Mr. Otto who was standing next to me. 

"You think everything okay." I asked my second boss. Mr. Ludwig looked at me. 

"I don't think so. Come on." Mr. Ludwig said to me. We both ran over to the young man trying to catch his breath. 

"Dylan what's wrong son?" Mr. Ludwig asked the 13 year old young man. 

"Pa needs help." Dylan said to us still tryin to catch his breath. 

"Okay son calm down. Tell me what's goin---" Dylan cut Mr. Ludwig off. 

"Lydia is missing." Dylan said to us. I looked over at my boss for the day. 

"What do you mean missin son?" Mr. Ludwig asked Dylan. 

"She's gone. She went to pick blueberry's for tonight's pie and she hasn't been since. It's been over 3 hours now." Dylan said to us. She was going to get blueberry's for her pie tonight. She told me she wanted me to try it.

"Okay come on." I said to him. 

"Cap, tell Brantley the men and I are going East." Mr. Ludwig said to me. 

"Okay sir. Come on Dylan." I said to him. 

After a good 20 minutes of running from the timber company to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert's house. We need to find Ms. Lyddy before it gets dark outside. 

"I'll go and get us a few horses. Pa must be gone already." Dylan said to me. I looked down at him. 

"You get the horses ready I'm going to talk to you mama real fast." I said to the young man. I walked up to the porch when I heard crying from inside the house. I opened up the door and walked in. 

"Hello. Mrs. Gilbert." I called for her. It was in time I saw Mrs. Gilbert running over to me. 

"Cap, she's gone. Lydia is missing." Mrs. Gilbert said to me. I looked at Maw and the other woman. She must be Mrs. McRoy. Mrs. Gilbert's best friend. 

"Don't you worry none. Mr. Ludwig and the men are going East to look for her. Mr. Gilbert is out there looking too. I'm on my way to go look for her as well." I told her. Mrs. Gilbert looked up at me. 

"I want my daughter home now Cap. I want her home!" Mrs. Gilbert yelled at me. I looked down at her. 

"We will find her. I promise we will get her back home to you." I said to Mrs. Gilbert walkin out of her home. Once I was outside I saw Dylan bring me a horse. 

"Where should we start lookin." Dylan asked me. I looked at him. 

"You know where she goes to pick her blueberry's." I asked the kid. 

"Yeah. It's through the woods." Dylan told me. I looked around. We need to move fast if we are going to catch up to her. 

"Okay. You go that way and look. I'm going down this way. If you find her shot your gun 2 times and then get her back home quick like. You hear me son." I said to the 13 year old kid. 

The will of the Gilbert's (An Brantley Gilbert Fan Fiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu