Chapter 20

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Brantley's Pov 

Otto and I are about 20 miles away from Happy Valley where we are to meet Doc Black for the meds for Doc Addison. I hope we get back home before it's to late. Otto and I have been out here for 3 days due to the snow being so high. Some places the snow is well over 7 feet high. I hope my girls are safe and warm at Mr. and Mrs. Cobb's store and home. I don't know what I would do if they are not there when I get back home. That might be the end of me as well. If they die from this fever I will take a bullet to my head so I can be with them up in heaven with her mama and my mama as well.  I'm not living on this earth without my love nor with out my daughter. 

I'm so glad Otto is with me. We got to know each other a lot more. I can't see why his papa is so mean to this young man. All he needs is someone to give him a little hand. All I know is this young man is going to get half of the money and if I find out that his papa took it and drank it all up on whiskey, gambling and on girls I might just kill the man myself and save Otto the time and it's not like I've killed a man before. Killed enough of them damn Yankees in the war and I've killed a few mountain men in my life. He's only a kid still. Don't need that on his plate. 

I was driving the team and now that we are getting closer to the town I'm glad Luci and I settled in Jefferson, Kansas. I'm not crazy about going into towns, I don't know nor do I not trust. The only reason why I'm doing this is to help out our small town and help show everyone that my family are here to stay in Jefferson. I got a lot of plans for my family. I looked over at Otto who was reading the map. 

"So what are you doing after you get done with schoolin Otto?" I asked him. Luci told me a few little things that she has learned from her students and Otto is the one that she is worried about the most. 

"I don't know sir. Papa said I have to move on when I'm done. So I might try out west." Otto told me. What I've learned from Luci, is that Otto's ma and pa moved here from Germany, but Otto's mama passed on when Otto was 8. Died from child birth. Her and the poor babe. 

"It ain't all the what it is crack up to be son." I told him. He looked over at me. 

"You been to California Sir." Otto asked me. I was looking ahead. 

"Once. After the war was over, I went for a few months. I left and I have no reason to go back. But hey, you might like it." I told him. Otto gave me a small smile. 

"If I don't leave most likely I'll end up marrying someone and have 7 or 8 kids." Otto told me. I looked at him. 

"Nothing wrong with that is it son." I asked him. 

"Oh no sir, it's just the only girl that likes me is---" I cut him off. 

"Sally Matthews." I said to him. He looked at me. 

"How did you know that sir?" Otto asked me. I looked right at him. 

"She looks at you the same way I look at Mrs. Gilbert." I told him. I've never thought I would be in love this much. To be honest with you I've never would have imagine that I would even be alive at the age of 34, happy married to a young 18 year old wife with a beautiful 4 month old daughter. But here I am and I would do anything for them. 

"I just don't know if I could love her the same way she loves me." Otto told me. 

"Well son that is something you need to think on and pray. Or if you don't want that then leave. As soon as school is over just leave. Make your own place in this world." I told him. 

"Sir can I ask you something." Otto asked me. I looked at him. 

"Sure if you want." I said to him. 

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