Chapter 4

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Jared Padalecki as David McRoy Sr. 

Brantley's Pov 

I was laying in bed looking around this room, that I knew it wasn't mine. I was in David and Meadow's spare room at there cabin. I looked down at my naked chest and I saw my chest was all wrapped up. All I remember was a black bear charged at me. I moved the blanket off of me. I looked down at my legs and saw I only had my long John's on. What day is it? I need to get out of this bed. I slowly moved my body, but it was hard for me to stand up. 

I need to get home to Luci. I walked over to the door and opened it up. I could hear people talking in the front part of the cabin. I was slowly walking to the front door. All I could think about is my Luci. I need to get to her now. I opened up the door and walked outside. 

"Brantley, what are you doing out of bed. You need---" I cut Meadow off. 

"I need to get home to Luci. She must be worried sick---" I could hear Luci talking. 

"Told you boys she a good dog." I looked and saw Luci talking to the boys with some dog. 

"You think uncle Brantley will let you keep her, aunt Luci." Carter asked Luci. 

"David Jr, went to get Luci the second they brought you to me. Luci's been here ever since." Meadow told me. I sat down at the rockin chair. I looked over at Meadow.

"How long have I've been here?" I asked her. 

"A week. Luci's been with you this whole time." Meadow said to me. I just looked over at Luci who is playing with a dog. A week. I've been in and out of sleep for a week now. 

"Where is David at?" I asked Meadow. 

"He went to town. He had some business to do for us." Meadow said to me. I didn't know what to say to her. All I could do is watch Luci. I've missed her touch. I've missed being with her. 

"Brantley, when I told Luci about what happened, she was in tears. That girl really loves you." Meadow said to me. I looked at her. 

"You really think so." I asked her. I like talking to Meadow. She's like the little sister that you need around, you know what I mean. 

"Yes. She only leaves your room to go to the outhouse or if one of the boys con her into playing with them and the dog. Boys come on we need to go inside." Meadow said to her boys. Luci looked over at me.

"Brantley." Luci called my name and started to run to me. I stood up and opened my arms. Luci ran right into my arms. I kissed the top of her head. 

"I'm so happy you are alive. You scared me." Luci said to me. 

"The boys and I will be inside for a while, so you two can talk." Meadow said to us. I looked over at her. 

"Thanks Meadow." I said to her. She mouthed to me 'Tell her how you feel'. I shook my head to her. 

"I'm so happy. You need to sit down. Why are you out of---" I cut Luci off by giving her one hell of a kiss. Luci moaned into the kiss. That only made me want her even more.

"Wow." Luci said to me. She moved her head down so I couldn't see how red her face was getting. I put my hand under her chin and moved her face so I can see this beautiful woman. 

"I haven't see you for almost a week now. I need to look at my beautiful wife." I told her. Luci was crying. I sat down and pulled Luci on my lap. 

"Brantley, I'm way to heavy to be sitting on your lap." Luci said to me. I looked at her like she was nuts. 

"You are my wife and I want you to sit on my lap. I need you." I said to her. Luci looked at me. 

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