Chapter 16

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Brantley's Pov 

I was down at the feed and seed doing my job. It's been little over a month since we got that telegram from Meadow. Luci tried to stay calm around me me but sometimes it wouldn't work. I would go to the local saloon for a few beers after work then I would come home but Luci said if I ever want to sleep with her I would have to stop drinking everyday like I did for 3 weeks straight after work I would go to the saloon have 3 or 4 beers go home kiss my girls then passed out. But Christmas is coming up and I need to stay focus on my girls. I got a few ideas up my sleeve for them. I walked over to the door and looked outside I saw how much snow we got from the past 3 hours since I've been here at work. I heard a few of the men saying we should be getting 3 feet of snow. I hope not. I don't know if I cab get to my cabin. 

I looked over at the store when I saw Percival walking over to the feed and seed. I looked down at my paper work. Ever since I started working here I've learned a lot about this paper work. Never thought I would be doing this, but when you have a family to think about you don't care what you have to do to keep them happy. I walked over to the desk so I can write this order done. 

"I think it's getting colder by the second. Man." Mr. Cobb said to me. I looked over at him. 

"I think your right Cobb." I said to him. 

"Hows everything going with you and the misses?" Percival asked me. 

"We are good. I just hate being this far away from them during the day. I know they are safe, but I just wish she and Lydia was here." I said to him. 

"I was like that with my first. But after you have as many as I do you think less of that." Mr. Cobb told me. I hope not. I love having my girls around me. 

"So what are you doing here? Did I forget to pay you--" Mr. Cobb cut me off. 

"No, no, no. We got a small problem. Our headmaster is leaving and we need a person take over as a teacher for a while." Mr. Cobb told me. I looked over at him. 

"I don't think I can help you sir. I only went to school until I was 11. Sorry." I told him. Mr. Cobb smiled at me. I'm not shamed of myself but now that I'm a father, all of my kids will go as far in school as the can. I had to quit school, someone needed to help mama run the farm after my papa died. Wish she was still here, to see how far I've come since I left home at the age of 17. 

"Well we-- The head of the town which is me, Nellie, Doc Anderson, Rev. Meyer, Jonas, Mr. Quinn and a few others from church are really in need of a teacher and Nellie would do it, but we need a younger. Do you think Luci would do it." Mr. Cobb asked me. I looked at him. 

"I don't really know sir. I mean she just had Lydia and-- and I can't really say yes or no. Sorry." I said to him. 

"The job pays $40 a month." Mr. Cobb tells me. I looked at him. 

"I will talk to her." I said to him. 

"Thank you Gilbert. Means a lot to us. And I'll tell you what I know Nellie would love to keep an eye on that baby of yours for free." Mr. Cobb told me. I looked at him. 

"I'll talk to her and we will let you know." I told him. We shook hands and Mr. Cobb walked out of the feed and seed. I went back to work. The sooner I get this load down the sooner I can go back to my girls. 

After another 4 long hours I was on my lunch break. I was about to take a bate to eat when I saw Luci walking over to the store. 

"What in the--" I ran out of the feed in seed so I can see why my love is out here in the cold with our 3 month old daughter. 

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