Chapter 30

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Lydia's Pov 

I was looking outside from my bedroom window. I can still see that man touching me and cutting me up. I never once saw his face. He made sure to keep it covered. But the image that keeps running in my head don't stop playing, it just keeps on playing over and over again.. It's been little over a week now since I was found and it's been a week since I left this room. I still can't talk about what happened. What hurts the most was I'm a ruin woman before I even got a chance at love. Who would ever want me now. Knowing the fact I'm not virginal anymore. Every time I close my eyes I can see him cutting my body. 

I walked over to my bed to sit back down. I'm scared to leave my room now. Mama and Aunt Meadow have tried to get me to talk to them, but they never been like this. I don't know what do tell them. I'm sorry for all of this. I shouldn't have went out to the woods to get blue berry's that day. I'm just glad my brothers nor my little sister was with me that day. That would have killed me if he killed one of my brothers or if he got little Dorothy Mae. 

I looked over at the clock on the wall and saw it was only 5 in the morning. I've been up all night again. I try to sleep but nothing but that nightmare keeps playing. I'm scared to death to say a world to any one. I just know he is out there somewhere. I wish they would find him and kill him. Papa and mama tried to talk to me about what happened, but it's done and over. I just glad it was me then someone's else little girl. 

I walked out of my bedroom to the kitchen so I can get some coffee started for mama and papa. Plus I want a half of a cup, then I'm going to lay down for a while. Or I'm going to try to lay down. I walked down the steps when I heard voices coming from the kitchen. I was about to walk back in my room when I heard a knock on the door. I stopped in my tracks. I couldn't move. I watched as the door opened up and in walks Mr. Hatfield. I put my head down so he couldn't see my face. There's still one bruise on my left side of my face that hasn't left yet. I was about to walk away when Mr. Hatfield stopped me. I don't want to look at him, so I'm looking on the floor. 

"Good morning Ms. Lyddy. I'm glad to see you out of your room. I've sure has missed seein your face around." Anderson said to me. That is so sweet of him. 

"Thank you Mr. Hatfield for saving me that day at the river. I owe you my life." I told him still looking down at the floor. 

"Lyddy, you don't owe me nothing. I want you to know that. I'm always going to be here for you Ms. Lyddy. As your friend, as your father's worker, or whatever you want us too be." Anderson told me. Why is he being so nice to me? He's only doing this because of what happened in the past week.

"Um, you know whoever did this too you, we will get him. May take some time, but we will. Your pa and I talked about it." Anderson said to me. I'm afraid the man who did this too me is long gone. I walked over to the steps when I saw mama and daddy walkin out of the kitchen. 

"Lydia, I was about to go and cheek on you. Please come sit down." Mama said to me. I walked over to mama as she held my hand. I could hear Anderson and my daddy talking still. 

"Lyddy still ain't talkin much is she sir." Anderson asked my papa. I saw mama look back at them. I knew she was getting mad with everyone. I looked at mama. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered to her. Mama and I sat down at the table. 

"Honey, you have no reason to be sorry. Whoever did this too you will be hunt down for this. Your papa will make sure of it." Mama said to me. 

"So will I." Anderson said to my parents. I looked at my daddy. 

"I'm sorry you have to--" Papa cut me off. 

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