Chapter 27

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Mr. Anderson Hatfield played by actor Boyd Holbrook

Cap's Pov 

I just woke up for the day. I looked at my pocket watch that belonged to my mama and saw it was only 5 minutes to 5 in the morning. I laid my watch back in my pocket. There's only a few things left of my mama's and I'm planning on keeping them for the rest of my life. I looked around the river's side where I've made my camp. I haven't seen much of anyone here. I've seen more critters then people. I got up from my cot from the ground. I'm thankful it's still summer because this would be harder to do this camping in the dead of winter. I've done it a few times, but if I can keep from it I'm going too. 

I walked over to the river and the sun was starting to rise for the day. The sky is mix in colors of pinks, blues and some green. I smiled up at the heavens and said a small prayer thanking him for everything he has done for me. I've make my mistakes and now that I'm here in Kansas this is a new me. Plus this is the first time I've felt welcome ever since my mama has passed on. 

I walked back to my camp ground so I can make some coffee. Wish I could have some of the Gilbert's coffee right now. Mr. Gilbert is one lucky son of a bitch if you ask me. He has everything a man could ever want in like. A perfect wife to cook for him, a good bred of sons to carry on his name and his great work he does for everyone. Two of the prettiest girls I've ever seen in my life. A man like me could only pray to have all of that. 

While the water was heatin' up I jumped into the river to wash off before I go and start this day. Today is Saturday and Mr. Gilbert told all of us men that we don't have to go to work today if we don't want too, but if we did just meet him at his place at 6 in the morning. Well, I have nothing better to do so I'm getting ready for work. Maybe I can see Ms. Lyddy again. I don't know why she would have thought I would like to be friends with Ruby Harris like that. Ms. Harris, would only be a good night fun. Not who I want to spend the rest of my life with. That's only if I can find someone who would even look at me like that. 

After I washed my hair and my whole body was clean I walked out of the river. I grabbed my towel and wipe the water off. I wrapped it around my waist as I walked back over to the camp where my clothes are at. I took a sip of my coffee before I got dressed. After I was getting dressed I started on my walk to the Gilbert's Ranch. A few nights ago something went after my horse. After 3 long hours I found my horse dead. Looked like a bear got her. So until I can pay for one I'm walking every where. I don't mind it. Gives me time to think. 

I was almost to my bosses ranch when I heard an owl hootin. I looked around the trees and I saw a big beautiful owl lookin at me. I smiled at it. 

"You are a real beaut." I said to the animal before starting back on my walk. I just came in view with the Gilbert's when I saw Mrs. Gilbert outside hangin clothes. I looked at my watch and it's only 5:55 in the morning. Mr. Gilbert wasn't kiddin when he said his wife does everything in one day. I walked beside her. 

"Morning Mrs. Gilbert." I said to her. Mrs. Gilbert jumped like she was shot. 

"Cap. Oh Cap you scared me." Mrs. Gilbert said to me. I smiled at her. I didn't mean to and I'm still scaring people. 

"I'm sorry about that Mrs. Gilbert. I would have thought you heard me walkin behind ya." I told her. Mrs. Gilbert smiled at me. 

"Nope. I was in my own little world. Would you please hand me them bag of pins for me." Mrs. Gilbert asked me. 

"Yes ma'am. Here you go." I said to her handin the pins over to her. 

"Thank you Cap. You here to work for Mr. Gilbert today." Mrs. Gilbert asked me. I looked at her. Mama did the best she could with me the little time we had each other on this earth, but lookin at Mrs. Gilbert, you could never tell she bore 6 children. My poor mama only bore less children and my mama was on the bigger side. Wish I could see her again. I have a lot to talk to mama about.

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