Sex, Birth, Death

Start from the beginning

After Reid and Garcia find out who the mystery boy was, they head over to his house to talk to him

Woman: "I'll be right there." she calls out when Gideon knocks on the door
Gideon: "I'm Jason Gideon with the FBI. Dr. Reid. Agent Morgan. Agent Watson. We're looking for your son Nathan."
Woman: "Why?"
Gideon: "We just want to ask him some questions."
Woman: "Well, not until you explain what's going on."
Reid: "Uh, your son came to talk to me this morning about a murder case."
Woman: "Why would Nathan know anything about a murder?"
Nathan: "No, mom, it's true. I- I did talk to him. Do you mind if I speak to him alone?"
Gideon: "We'll stay out here, ma'am." he says as they walk into the house and Reid, Morgan, and Watson go into Nathan's room
Woman: "O-ok."
Nathan: "I knew if you were really good, you'd find me."
Reid: "Is that why you were waiting for me? You-you wanted to get caught?"
Nathan: "What do you mean,"get caught"? Oh-"
Morgan: "Hey" he says when Nathan tries to stop Reid from going to his laptop "Stay right there and keep your hands where I can see them."
Nathan: "It's just the text for a graphic novel." he says as Reid looks through the writing
Reid: "About killing prostitutes?"
Nathan: "Yeah, Jack the Ripper. It's a famous case."
Watson: "This isn't a game, kid."
Nathan: "I know."
Reid: "You knew specific details about a murder that hasn't been publicized."
Nathan: "But I didn't kill her. I just I really wanted to." he says surprising them and they decide to bring him back to the BAU to question him some more

Watson: "Nathan, if you didn't do it, how'd you know the details of the murder?"
Nathan: "Cause I saw the body. It was early. It was before school. She-she was dressed in red. She'd been stabbed a lot,and her hair was all chopped off."
Morgan: "Where was that?"
Nathan: "In an alley off of "k" street. They take men down there for sex. I see 'em do it all the time."
Reid: "What were you doing down there?"
Nathan: "I don't know. I just sort of end up there sometimes, you know? I-I stay out all night, and I just come back in the morning, and if my mom's at work, I don't even bother coming home."
Reid: "Why didn't you call the police?"
Nathan: "I don't know."
Morgan: "Nathan, the prostitutes I talked to say you watch them."
Nathan: "I'd never touch them."
Watson: "You fantasize about having sex with them?"
Nathan: "No, I told you, I think about killing them" he says as the agents exchange a look with each other "Look, after the lecture, I saw you at the metro stop a few times, and I thought maybe you could help me."
Reid: "How?"
Nathan: "I don't know. I saw that body, and I felt excited, and that really scared me."
Morgan: "Is it possible that you actually killed those prostitutes, but you just don't want to admit it to yourself?"
Nathan: "No."
Reid: "Then why'd you run away from me?"
Nathan: "Cause I don't know,but I thought you'd say I was crazy and there was no way to stop it."

Woman: "Thank you."
Gideon: "Sure." he says handing her a bottle of water as Watson, Reid, and Morgan come over to them
Watson: "Ma'am, we'd like to let the juvenile authorities hold him overnight so we can do a psychological evaluation."
Woman: "I can't believe this is real."
Gideon: "Well, right now it's just an evaluation. I'd encourage Nathan to have a lawyer present."
Woman: "I don't know what he's going through, but the Nathan I know is a sweet boy."
Reid: "I believe you."
Gideon: "Do we have your permission?" he asks as she nods her head 
Reid: "I'll show you where to sign the paperwork."
Emily: "The juvenile authorities are waiting for Nathan Harris."
Gideon: "He's in interrogation."
Emily: "Is he our unsub?" she asks when Gideon walks away
Watson: "I don't know. He says he didn't do it. He actually seems sincere."
Morgan: "But he's a smart kid, and part of the sexual-sadist profile is the ability to mimic honesty and sincerity."

Watson: "The police are here for you." she says coming into the room with Nathan as he gives her a small smile as they head out the room
Nathan: "Dr. Reid."
Reid: "Yeah?"
Nathan: "I know I, um, don't deserve any favors, but whatever my psych eval says, you promise you'll tell me the truth?" he asks as Reid nods his head "Um, my mom says a promise doesn't count unless you say it out loud."
Reid: "I promise."
Nathan: "Ok. Thank you." he says as the cops lead him away and Watson walks away from Reid and Garcia and they all head into the meeting room to discuss another possible suspect

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