Quinn Hughes - VAN 4

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a/n : i can finally start getting around to some of my wattpad requests! thank you guys for hanging tight with me and being so understanding as i worked on the ones i had from tumblr!

i'm currently trying to round the rest of those up, as well as start on the ones i've recieved on here. i'm trying to get back into my connor mcdavid story dancing with a stranger, as well as one i've started working on for nolan patrick, which should be up around the same time as the connor story! my requests on here are still closed as for now, but again thank y'all for sticking with me! i've wrote a lot of huggy bear recently! so i hope yall enjoy! :)

It was stupid really.

The feeling in my chest. It only showed up around Quinn, but it shouldn't.

I sat my drink down on the table and swirled my straw around in it. I rested my forearms on the surface and leaned into it, hand coming to rest under my chin with a huff. Bo looked over to me, his dad duty kicking in and I could tell he knew something was off, and he was going to find out.


"Bo please don't ask me about it." I shrugged a little defeated. I refused to look at him or in Quinn's general direction, instead intently focused on the ice melting into my drink.

"(Y/N), just go over there. I promise you he'll drop everything for you."

I glanced up at Bo who had a hopeful look in his eyes and then over to Quinn, accompanied by Jake, who were surrounded by a few girls.

"Yeah-" I muttered lowly, "but not in the way I want him too."

"Cmon (Y/N/N), he's your best friend. He listens to you more than anyone else. He cares about you. He would probably rather be with you right now anyway, if the fact that he keeps looking over here is any indication."

My eyes darted up right to where I knew he would be and he was already looking at me. He smiled a little, the crooked one he only reserved for me, and my heart almost stopped beating.

"Why are you always right Bo, it isn't fair." I chuckled.

"Somebody has to be right around here. I'd rather it be me than Virts." He joked, and I looked to Jake who was currently dancing with one of those girls. But like, he was air roping her like cattle and she was going along with it? I figured there were one too many drinks involved there as I patted Bo on the back, "Me too." I shuddered and we both laughed as I walked over to my best friend, drink in hand.

The closer I got, the more my stomach turned as nerves ate away at my resolve. He saw me coming and met me halfway, leaving the girls in what looked to be mid-sentence, "hey, I've been meaning to come find you." He smiled.

"You have?" I asked curiously. I looked over his shoulder to see their dirty looks, but he pulled me out of it with his answer.

"Yeah, I missed you." He pouted, entwining our hands and tugged me along to the bar, keeping me in close proximity. My heart surged at the admission but had me a little more nervous than usual. Maybe I needed to stop reading between the lines.

"Hey Q?" He turned to me with the brightest look in his eyes, almost adoringly and I couldn't help it.

"Yeah?" I suddenly felt like there was this weight on my chest that wouldn't go away until I told him, and it had me going quiet.

"Do you think we could just get out of here? I'm not really feeling it anymore. Kinda tired."

He pulled me in so that his arm was around me guiding me instead of just his hand, "yeah for sure let's go back to mine and we'll watch a movie or something. That sound good?"

I smiled up at him, but the pressure in the back of my mind to get my feelings off my chest didn't let it reach my eyes.

When the Uber pulled up we made sure it was for us before we got in and Quinn pulled me into him as we sat down. It felt like things had been toeing the line lately. Little things like him looking for me in warmups, holding my hand more, or always making sure he takes care of me on nights like this. It was why it was so easy to fall for him. His hand on my thigh was burning a hole through my jeans and the circles he was making with his thumb didn't do anything to ease the tension.

I tried to come up with anything that didn't sound stupid when I would tell him how I felt, but nothing came to mind and it made me more nervous than before we had left.

When we finally made it up to his apartment I went straight into get-ready-for-bed mode. I tried not to think about anything as I threw on one of his t-shirts he let me borrow for when I spent the night. I went to tuck myself under his covers without a word, but he finally caught me after giving me so much space.

"Spill." He said as he crawled in next to me. He made no move to turn the T.V on and my heart started racing. "Usually I'm the quiet one, are you okay?" He grabbed my hand but it burned too good and I gently pulled it back. Not ready quite yet to come to terms with what I was about to do.

"(Y/N) is something wrong? Did I do something?"

I just shook my head no and looked down at the comforter as I twirled a piece of my hair around my finger like I did when I was nervous.

"You gotta talk to me (Y/N/N)." He was practically pleading with me. I looked up to see the concern in his eyes, "please don't shut me out. I can't help you if you don't let me. You're starting to scare me."

I sighed, giving up, hoping that I wasn't making a mistake. I scooted closer to him then, and he rubbed my back soothingly like he was trying to comfort me.

"Quinn." I glanced back up to him to see him looking at me intently. "You didn't do anything wrong, okay?" He only nodded, silently telling me to continue.

"It's just I don't really know how to say this, like at all."

"That's okay." He encouraged. He was giving me his undivided attention, which I appreciated, but it also kind of intimidated me.

"I- I was a little jealous at the bar." I started and his eyes went wide.

"You were?" A slight blush spread across his cheeks as he was processing what I just said, but he pulled it together pretty quickly.

"I didn't like it when you were talking with those girls. I mean, I've never liked it. But when I saw you with them tonight something just kinda clicked for me."

He was somewhat grinning and it had me a little confused. "something clicked for me too."

"Wh-" I tried to ask, but he was leaning forward and he gently pressed his lips to mine. It was soft and I knew he wasn't trying to push me, but I could tell there was some underlying emotion there as he cupped my cheek in one hand and the other slowly pulled me closer by my waist. I pulled back, trying to catch my breath and slow the pumping of my heart down. He leaned his forehead against mine.

"You don't have to be jealous. It's you that I want to be with." I grinned at that and he added, "I was only there to support Jake. But uh, he clearly didn't need me." He chuckled and I full on laughed at that.

"Clearly not."

But he turned semi-serious once more as a smile graced his face, "be mine?"

"Always have been." I said leaning in once more.

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