Brock Boeser - VAN 2

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I had finished putting Christmas up early this year and it felt good to get a head start on things. The smell of wood chips from the crackling fire and cookies I just put in the oven wafted through the house contributing to the feel of winter I was fully leaning into this year. It felt nice to get things done on my day off for once and now I could officially enjoy the rest of my day feeling as if I accomplished something.

I had also got a head start on my Christmas shopping and was expecting some packages any minute now. I heard my doorbell ring and headed to the front porch to sign and drag the Amazon packages inside. The brisk air entered my warm house and I shivered as I noticed that snow covered the ground.

I heard a dog barking so I walked to my mailbox to check the mail and get a better look at the pup when I saw my next door neighbor. He had only lived in my neighborhood for a few months at this point, and we didn't talk very much because he never seemed to be around when I was home. I saw him occasionally from afar at best and he was cute, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He held onto a leash, and as I turned to grab my mail and be on my way his dog yanked on the leash and bounded towards me.

I laughed and squatted down to pet him, realizing he was wearing a Vancouver Canucks parka and some little booties to keep his paws warm. It was adorable. My neighbourhood cleared his throat as he grabbed his dogs leash and I finally looked up to see him smiling. His blue eyes brighter in person, and I felt my heart beat slightly faster.

"Uh hi," I laughed, "I probably should've asked if I could pet him first! I'm sorry."

"It's no problem at all, he's pretty friendly, he just wanted to say hi. And well, maybe I did too." He said sheepishly, but I didn't miss the light pink that colored his cheeks and I was a little surprised. He held his hand out and I shook it, the warmth of his grip enveloped my hand and I liked it, "I'm Brock, I live next door. I've been meaning to introduce myself, I've just been pretty busy lately."

"That's okay." I smiled, "I'm (Y/N). Uh not to be weird but is it okay if I take a picture of your dog in his little parka? It's really cute and I know my sister would love it." I laughed a little and he smiled, "what's his name?"

"It's Coolie, and for sure. Coolie sit." The german shepard sat obediently and Brock scratched his head, making his tongue come out. I snapped a few pictures and sent them to my sister. Immediately getting a response but I didn't bother to check it.

"Thanks," I smiled, and as he was getting ready to turn back towards his house I blurted out "would you want to come inside? I have some hot chocolate and cookies baking?" I shifted my weight between my legs a little bit, nervous to hear his response.

Brock smiled down at Coolie and then back up looking me in the eyes, "yeah I would like that."

And if my heart didn't flutter at that.

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