Tyson Jost - COL

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"(Y/N)! Funny seeing you here." My ex walked over looked loved up as ever and the only thing I could do was roll my eyes at his forwardness. When we broke up, he said he 'needed time to figure things out for himself'. It was clear that only a month later that those were not his intentions and he was coming over here to rub his new flame in my face.

I sipped the glass of champagne I was nursing from the kitchen, "Yeah pretty funny." I went to turn away but he managed to land another comment within earshot.

"So have have you been? I haven't seen you in a while."

"I'm really good." I said genuinely, but I was a little confused as to why he was asking. "How did you end up here tonight?"

Denver was a big city, but at times like this it felt too small for me to function.

"Oh James invited me." James was one of my brothers good friends. I had dated Cole for about a year, but I wasn't aware they knew each other. At least enough to invite him to the annual New Years party. "Oh I didn't introduce you guys! (Y/N), this is my girlfriend Marissa."

The raven haired girl outstretched a perfectly manicured hand and it clicked to me then that I probably paled in comparison. She looked dazzling in a sparkly silver dress and heels and her smile didn't feel forced. She probably didn't realize Cole and I's former relationship.

"So where's your date?" She asked innocently.

"Oh (Y/N)'s single. I'm pretty sure she hasn't been seeing anyone. She's more of the independent type if you-" I felt a light pressure on my cheek and I turned to see a total cutie pull away and wrap his arm around me simultaneously.

"Hey babe, who's this?" He looked at me and for a second I was in shock. One because I didn't know what to do. But then I realized he wanted me to go along with him. And two, that this hot stranger was trying to help me.

"Oh this is Cole, and his girlfriend Marissa." I said as confidently as I could muster.

"And you are?" Cole stifled.

"Oh I'm Tyson, her boyfriend." He shook their hands with the brightest smile and for a second I spaced out.

"I didn't realize (Y/N) had a boyfriend?" Cole looked at me.

Yeah buddy me either. Wherever you go there you are.

"Yeah we met about... three weeks ago? But he was so charming and thoughtful, it just kind of- felt right, ya know?" I smile, leaning into his frame, which happened to be very muscular. His grip on my waist tightened and I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"I kind of just knew right away that she was the one for me." He looked down at me and I might've just believed him if we weren't in this weird situation. Cole looked put out and I felt like it was time to get out of there.

I looked over my shoulder to try to act like I heard something from the other room, "I think I just heard my name, we really should go say hi to everyone else, right babe?" I glanced at Tyson who was already looking at me and it felt like he might be looking through me. Like he had known me for forever. He just nodded and clasped our hands together.

"It was nice meeting you." Marissa said sweetly and I just smiled.

"Same to you."

I let Tyson drag me into the living room and as soon as we were out of ear shot I pulled him into a corner so I could talk to him and hear him better.

"Thank you, you really didn't have to do that." I flushed. It was then that I looked down and noticed our hands were still connected. I wasn't making any move to seperate them either. I liked the feeling that surged through me at his touch.

He looked down at our hands as well, "I wanted too." He said. "I overheard a little of your conversation when I was walking back to the living room."

"Oh." I said a little breathless. "That's kind of embarrassing." I forced a laugh, but he squeezed my hand.

"I don't know if this helps or not, but it kind of gave me an excuse to talk to you." He laughed like he shouldn't have said it, but it made me smile and gave me the go ahead to move in a little closer.

"I don't know how we ended up here but I'm glad we did."

His mouth curved a little and he said it ever so softly, "Yeah?"

"Yeah." I whispered. "It doesn't hurt when a cute stranger is offering to help you out."

He laughed then, full and overwhelming, "How about you help me out in return then?" I raised a brow. "Let me get to know you."

I think my heart melted in my chest and I could only nod in response.

I pushed up slowly on my toes and could feel his breathing shallow. I could vaguely hear the countdown in the background but I couldn't focus on it when his lips connected to mine. He kissed me like he wanted to savor the taste of my lips and it was slow and calculated and had me pressing myself completely against him. I wanted more. His hands wrapped around me and I felt so secure and warm in his arms that when he pulled back I shivered.

"That's a start." He smiled.

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