Tyler Seguin - DAL

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It was amazing really. It had been a week since Sara had dragged me to a game and I was wondering how long the damn streak of no hockey would last. Apparently not too long.

"(Y/N) what are you doing tonight?" She had asked me this morning.

"Is this what I think it's for?" I teased. There was a pause on the other end. "That's what I thought." I chuckled.

"Please go with me?! I have amazing seats tonight and I think it would be really fun!" She pleaded.

"You just wanna see Roope." I laughed. Her and the Finnish forward had been friends since he landed in Dallas last season and I think their friendship was maybe developing into something a little more. I was happy for her really. She was always giddy around him. But I didn't know if they were getting serious yet.

"Yeah." She was quiet. "He gave me the tickets for tonight, and I would really love if you would go with me. And I'm pretty sure someone wants to officially meet you, you know since he flirts with you every damn game." I groaned, the thing is, is that everytime I go to a game, Tyler ends up spotting me some way, somehow, and tries to sway the notion that I go to the games for him. I hadn't even properly met the guy and he had the nerve to assume that I went to the games because he played. Even if that was a perk of going, he didn't need to know. For all he cared I went to support a friend.

I rolled my eyes, and then I remembered she couldn't see me, "You mean tease me? Yeah, don't remind me." I chuckle. "You're buying me a drink."

She laughed at that. "Sure thing."


When she said good seats I wasn't expecting glass seats. I was in awe really. We sat down in the middle facing their benches and the opposing penalty box was just a few seats to the right of us. Warmups were just getting started as I sat my beer down on the ledge next to the glass.

Roope spotted us as they came out and skated over quickly chatting before going back to some stretching. I scanned the length of the ice, just observing players as I sat in my seat. Before I could glance back to the Stars end of the ice I saw a puck come flying right for the glass in front of me and I flinched a little bit and felt the liquid get on my jeans but mostly on the floor. I looked up to see Tyler smirking at me as he skated over and I stood up to have a word with him.

"Hey buddy," I started slightly ticked off but mostly amused at the situation.

"Well hello to you, I'm so sorry about your beer, honest mistake." I wanted to wipe that smirk right off his face. It seemed to always be plastered on that mouth of his. It was... annoying.

"Yeah that wasn't very nice." I quipped, "now I have to go get another beer." I started to shuffle my way to the aisle not glancing back when he yelled, stopping me as I got to the end.

"You don't have to go get another beer if you let me buy you one after the game." He said.

"Oh really?" I said and he just grinned at me.

"I know your friend is going out with Roope after, why don't we both just tag along, ya know since you obviously came for me." At this point he was full on smirking.

"Now why would I do that?" I smirked crossing my arms. I knew how Tyler was and I wanted to make him work for it. Even if I was eventually going to give in. I thought he was cute from the first game Sara dragged me to. Apparently he thought similarly.

"Because I know you come to the games for me (Y/N). Admit it, you know you like me."

"Do not!" I said a little defensively and surprised he actually called me by my name when this is the first time we're officially meeting, "I come to hang out with Sara, you know, emotional support and all." He laughed at that and the horn sounded as warm ups were finishing up. But I knew he was almost always last off the ice.

"Just think about it." He grinned as he turned and shot a few more pucks at the net, waiting till the other teams last player exited the ice before he did too.

And I did. I was definitely going out with them after

I shuffled back to my seat and Sara turned to face me, "uh what was that about?" she smirked.

"Tyler thinks I go to these games for him apparently but we all know that's a lie." I jokingly scoffed and she fish eyed me.

"Yeah right." I swatted at her and she laughed too.

"Apparently we're double dating after this."

"Uh huh, not here for Tyler my ass." She mumbled as he skated back out for the game.

I looked over at him to find him already looking at me and he shot me a wink. I rolled my eyes but smiled nonetheless. I could already tell I was going to have my hands full with him.

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