Noah Hanifin - CGY

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To say I was excited was an understatement. I asked to be anonymous so I could surprise Noah, and thankfully the Flames media and PR obliged.

I was set to do a fun little interview with a couple of the boys today and I couldn't wait to crack jokes and mess around. The best part would be seeing Noah's face when he realizes I'm the one that's been giving the interviews. I worked as the sports analyst at the local news station in Calgary and I actually met Noah the first time I covered the flames. We immediately hit it off and were best friends for a long time before he had the guts to ask me out.

Now I was sitting in a small room in the stadium, going over a couple of questions I was going to ask and preparing for the boys to come in.

Matty Tkachuk sauntered in and when he saw it was me that would be giving the interview his eyes lit up and he came over and gave me a big hug. "Katy your giving this interview?" I nodded as we broke apart and he sat down on the stool, black flames t-shirt contrasting against a white backdrop. "Noah's gonna love this." He snickers while all the cameras adjust and focus on the two of us.

"He actually doesn't know I'm here." I say and he gets a mischievous look on his face. "So keep your mouth shut Chucky." I look to the crew and nod over to Matty, "Maybe we shouldn't have done him first, this one's got a blabber mouth." They laugh and we all get settled in.

"So Kathryn," He starts, "You gonna ask about my love life or should I ask about yours."

"Still single then?" I start with a smirk. "Matty just shut up, I'm the one asking the questions here." I chuckle.

"Just kidding, I hear allll about it from Hanni." I give him a quick punch to the arm.

"We're just gonna get started. Are y'all rolling?" I ask the crew.

One of the guys gives me a thumbs up, so I go ahead.

"Hey y'all welcome back to Behind the Flames, I'm your host Kathryn Grey. Today I'm here with Matthew Tkachuk and were gonna do a little rapid fire questioning along with answering some of the questions you guys sent in on Twitter! Let's go."

"This should be good." He said rubbing his hands together and I try not to roll my eyes since I'm on the job.

"Favorite Color?"


"Movie or T.V show?"


"Which movie?"

"The Other Guys or Zoolander."

"Call or Text?"


"Figures." Matty laughs and I start looking through some of the twitter questions fans submitted. Some of them were hockey and team related and he answered those so smoothly, but I couldn't pass up some random comment left on my page.

"Samantha says: "Brady is the better Tkachuk brother. Prove me wrong."

Well Matty what do you have to say to that?" I chuckle and he lightly pushes me.

"I can attest that I'm the better brother, with my moves." He smirks and shrugs at the same time.

"Yeah on and off the ice." I say sarcastically and roll my eyes as he snorts with laughter.

"See even Katy knows I'm a ladies man." He gawks

"Well you don't exactly do a good job of concealing it. Can I get Lindy in here? He typically gives better answers than Matthew."

"Hey I did what I could!" He exclaims getting up off the stool.

"I can't help that you're boring!" I joke. "No, the fans will love it thank you."

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