Sebastian Aho - CAR

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"I swear you are more invested in this than anyone I've ever seen watch the damn sport."

"Uh, I think that's a compliment?" I laughed proceeding to cheer as my best friend sat with false enthusiasm after the canes scored the opening goal of the night. Svech netted a sweet little backhand to get this game going and I couldn't wait to teach Elle all about it.

It was her fourth game this season and I was slowly converting her into a hockey fan little by little. "Yeah yeah. Wait what just happened? I looked down for two seconds and everyone just stopped?"

I chuckled at her sudden eagerness. I realized the Canes were setting up for a face off in our own zone and explained for what seemed like the hundredth time what icing was to her. "For a football fan you seem way to interested in this." I crossed my arms eyeing her as she soaked everything in.

"It's not the worst sport out there." She mumbled, "it doesn't help that you keep shoving what's his face down my throat. I swear I'm drowning in this guys stats and I don't even know what half of them mean. The other day I rattled them off at work when some guy started talking about the team." I burst out giggling at that. "Yeah and how did that go?"

She grumbled but I could a hint of a smile trying to peek out, "I have a date tomorrow."

"Yeah that's what I thought. You're welcome for blessing you with that knowledge." Her jaw dropped and she playfully shoved me as the players whizzed back and forth.

My eye trained on Sebastian as he made a quick move around the defender on a break away, and netted one short handed. Elle and I jumped up in our 5th row seats and I swear as he skated around we made eye contact. Nerves shot up my spine and as everything settled back down, I looked over to his spot on the bench to see him smiling at me with a little wave.

"Is it just me or did the player you drag me to all these games too just wave at you?" Elle said, snapping back to reality. There was no way Sebastian Aho just waved to me. Not a chance.

"Uhh I don't know." I smiled in disbelief but I glanced over one last time. He was saying something to Teuvo and they both looked over in this general direction. This time I waved and they both waved back. I felt my stomach flip at the fact that he did, in fact, notice me.

She just nodded as she reapplied her lip gloss, "oh, he definitely did."

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