Devil's Trap

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"look, I don't want to believe it any more than you do...but if they are, all the more reason to kill the damn thing. We still have the Colt. We can finish the job." Sam says

"screw the job Sam." Dean said

"Dean, i'm just trying to do what he'd want. He would want us to keep going."

"stop talking like he's dead! they're not dead!" Darcey shouted, having enough.

"listen to me, everything stops until we get them back. you understand? Everything." Dean says.

Darcey uttered some curse words, just loud enough under her breath that the brothers heard her as she sat back fully in her seat. She put her feet up and stretches out, using the window as a head rest and one of Deans extra jackets she stool to use as a pillow.

"so how do we find them?" Sam asked

"We go to Lincoln. Start at the warehouse where Dad was taken."

"Come on. You really think these demons are gonna leave a trail?"  Sam asked

"You're right. We need help." Dean says.


The next morning, The Winchester's made it to a friend's of they're's.

In the old hunter's house, the siblings stand in the living room of the Great Bobby Singer.

The man hands Dean a metal flask. "Here you go." he says

"What is this, holy water?" Dean asked.

"that one is. This one is whiskey." the hunter said a took a sip from his own matching flask, then hands it to Dean.

Darcey was away from the trio, up the stairs in Grayson's guest room.

"Bobby, thanks for everything." Dean says. "to tell you the truth I wasn't sure if we should come."

"nonsense. Your daddy needs help. And CC's boy, that little bugger is just a chip right off her shoulder isn't he? How's she doing by the way? she seems.." Bobby tails off,

" A mess? Yeah, she's putting up a strong suit for us, but I can tell, I always could tell." Dean tells Bobby.

"Yeah, well She needed to take care of herself and not everybody else for once, or she'll crack." Bobby says, " and the things with the shotgun and your Dad, None of that matters now. All that matters is that you get them back." Darcey then comes down the stairs, she may or may not have heard the conversation they were having.

The older Winchester sat with Sam at the desk he was at. " Bobby, this book...I've never seen anything like it." Sam says.

"Key of Solomon? It's the real deal all right." Bobby tells them.

"And these--Theses protective circles, they really work?" Sam asked

"Hell, yeah. You get a demon in one, they're trapped.Powerless. it's like satanic roach motel." The hunter says  "Bobby Does know his stuff." Darcey says

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