Valentine's Day 2020: Why me? (Shy F. Reader x Lukas)

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Happy Valentine's Day 2020! It's that time of the year again when lonely guys like me just sit down and play games all day while couples go out have fun or play... other games. I still try my hardest to get these stories out for you guys even though this book isn't as popular anymore, wish I was this dedicated to studying though... hope you enjoy this anyway!

A/N It's only a day late, but to be fair, I was flying back to England during Valentine's Day.

[No POV]

You go up to the wooden door and press the button which triggers the doorbell. You see the light switch on in the lounge and you feel the nervousness and excitement buzz through your body.

Of all the people you ever thought would ask out a shy nerdy type like yourself, never for a second you had thought that Lukas, the most handsome and charming boy in the school, would notice you. You always kept to yourself throughout your time in high school, and until only a few hours ago, no boy besides the ones in your class has turned their head to you. It was an enormous shock to everyone when they found out Lukas asked you to be his date for the most romantic celebration in the world; Valentine's Day.

You could hardly contain your excitement, but at the same time, you feel nervous and curious. Nervous because this is the first time you have ever been on a date with anyone let alone a charming boy, but also curious as to why Lukas asked you. You only ever share a few classes with him, rarely speak to him besides the occasional "Hi" when you walk past each other in the hallway (oftentimes you'd keep your head down because of how shy you were especially around boys), and he has interacted far more with the other, more talkative girls in school, and yet he asked you. Many things floated around in your head and couldn't help but become lost in those thoughts... until the door opened and the sound of a cleared throat snapped you back.

"Oh-" you exclaim, jumping backwards a little and almost dropping your bag. In front of you in the doorway was Lukas, dressed casually. "H- Hi Lukas!"

"Erm, hi (Y/N)..." he replies awkwardly, scratching his head and looking at the nervous wreck that is you. "Are you... okay?"

"Wha- I'm fine I'm fine Lukas how are you tonight?" you loosely stammer.

"I'm good myself thanks..." he replies. "You wanna come in or...?"

"Oh yes please thank you!" You answer loosely, dragging your embarrassed self into the house. The inside was filled with a pleasant aroma which leads you into the kitchen. Lukas follows you and finds you sniffing around the kitchen. Your skulking around comes to a stop when you spot him stating at you with a raised eyebrow and folded arms. "Oh sorry I just... that smells really nice and I was just..."

"Yeah dinner's just about done, you wanna dump your stuff in the lounge first?" asks Lukas. Noticing you still had your jacket and bag on, you stumble into the lounge and toss your jacket and bag onto the couch. You already feel humiliated, but the feeling gets worse when you hear chuckling behind you. You roll over onto your back to see Lukas having a little laugh.

"You're an odd one (Y/N), y'know?" he laughs before going up to you and holding his hand out. You glance confused at it, then

"Oh uh... thank you..." you murmur, taking it and getting pulled up to your feet. You try to look him in the face but you shy away from him slightly and give off a light blush.

"You're welcome..." he says, going back into the kitchen. "Wait at the table for me okay?"

Dusting yourself off and straightening the crumples from your shirt, you walk into the dining room and quietly take a seat while you wait for Lukas. Besides some rattling coming from the kitchen, the room is filled with dead silence. You become bored and start fiddling with your hands, hooking and intertwining your fingers and tapping the table like it was a drum. You then start to feel slightly drowsy and are just about to fall asleep right there when,

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