V: A forbidden romance (M. Jesse x F. Jesse)

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A/N There is incest in this chapter, so leave now if you cannot handle it!

Paragraphs in italics indicate flashbacks.



I bolted up and groped my aching head, but I immediately laid back down when I noticed an arm was wrapped around my chest, and I felt soft breathing on my neck. I turned left to find a naked, raven-haired, immensely beautiful Caucasian girl sleeping next to me... and I was instantly filled with guilt and shame... for that girl was my younger twin sister.

Despite fears that we are going to be roasted by our community for having sex with each other, Jessica slept rather peacefully. I suppose she had no regrets knowing she lost her virginity to her own brother, and vice versa. Me on the other hand, I feel like I'm about to explode, like I'm on death row counting the days down until I die, even though SHE seduced ME.

"Jesus Christ what have I done?" I utter, rubbing my aching head, causing Jessica to stir a little bit and moan softly. I laid my head back down. Gosh I always forget just how beautiful she is, no wonder Lukas is now bi despite being in a year-long relationship with Aiden. I've always loved her, but as a sibling, little did I know that her love for me was far more... romantic, and sexual...

"Hey..." went a soft whisper that came from Jessica herself. She had worry in her eyes as well as her expression. "You okay? You seem scared, and really worried." I faced her with dread in my eyes, and from them, tears started to seep out of them and I was overcome with grief.

"Why... why did this happen?" I wept, "they'll kill us if they find out what we've just done..." but to my surprise, Jessica nodded in disagreement. "But- but what we just did- it was wrong!"

"Look. As much as what we just did is completely forbidden (according to society anyway) and we'd receive very severe backlash from the people..." Jessica came closer to me and wiped the tears off my cheeks, "nobody is going to chop your balls off for taking my virginity away."

"But- but- but what we just did-"

"The law says it's wrong, but not my heart. And besides, we can keep it between us," interrupted Jessica, laying her soft body on mine, making us both moan, "no-one has to know about our little affair."

"And if they do find out?" I asked. Jessica remained silent for a short while, thinking about her response. Then she said

"Then I would want everyone to know that I do not regret losing my virginity to you. Not a single bit. We've both been wanting it for some time now. What matters is we both enjoyed ourselves and that we truly love each other. They'll see right through that and everyone's happy! Trust me Jesse, they will not kill us just because I wanted to have sex with my brother." This almost made me smile, but I still had doubt and bit my lip.

"I... I hope you're right..." I muttered, then she leaned in for a kiss. A gentle but passionate kiss. I felt her body lay to rest on me and her tongue slide in my mouth which made us moan even louder.

Suddenly I felt a sudden growth down there. Jessica must've noticed it too because now she was flashing me those dangerous eyes and smirking wildly at me. She slowly slid down me (I obviously moaned) and removed the duvet that was covering us, and I blushed deep red when I saw I had an erection, and Jessica had taken an interest in it.

"Your little friend wants to play again doesn't he?" she cooed, blowing the tip gently and slowly running her soft fingertips up it.

"You... you really don't regret this at all do you?" I commented. Jessica giggled, before nodding no in earnest.

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