XIII: I'll stay by your side (Harper x Ivor)

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Requested by KateNeedsSleep

Warning: This chapter may be depressing to some people as it handles illness and death. Do not read if sensitive to these topics. If I see any butthurt comments in the comments section, remember that I tried to warn you. Also, no, there is NO necrophilia in this story, I'm not that messed up.

Read on at your own discretion.

[No POV]

"Isn't there anything you can do, doctor?" pleaded Harper.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Farner, but we've done all we can. It would make him suffer more if we continued his life support, so we're..." the doctor sighed and out his clipboard down. "We're cutting him off tomorrow, he'll have at most 2 more days." Harper dropped down to her knees and started to weep. The doctor felt absolutely distraught but managed not to shed a single tear. "Visiting hours are meant to be over, but I'll make an exception for you. You're free to visit and stay with him for as long as you wish."

"Th- thank you doctor..." sniffled Harper, and he walked back into his office. She turned round and headed down the hallway of the Terminal ward where terminally ill patients are kept. She kept her head down and simply allowed the tears to roll down her eyes. Her husband of 50 years Ivor had been slowly dying of a horrible disease, an especially bad strain of it, and for the last 3 years she had been valiantly helping him fight it.

Only last month did she discover that the illness was never going to go away, and that despite all the doctors' efforts, they could not cure him. Since then, he's been put into palliative care where they don't cure him, but at least help him to relieve the symptoms so he could be a little happier. But it hasn't made Harper any happier, watching her husband did in front of her very eyes, and Ivor hated watching her suffer, which was why he insisted that she don't come and visit him, to prevent causing her further pain as his health deteriorated away.

As she walked quietly down the narrow hallway, she reminisced of the long memories they've had together...

When Ivor was a trembling mess when he asked Harper out for the first time... their first date going terribly wrong at the ice rink when he slipped up and broke his nose... then Harper landed on top of him and accidentally shared their first kiss...

Months of dating later Ivor proposed and they tied the knot with a massive blowout wedding party... and one of the guests got so drunk he stripped naked and started dancing on the table before passing out outside...

Their firstborn child Robin, kick-starting the long challenge that was parenthood... he soon grew up to be a successful lawyer... their second child Phyllis becoming the CEO of a large clothes chain... and then their third and final child Orpheus becoming a curator at the National History Museum in London... how proud they were when they ascended the stage for their graduations...

The years of them growing old together in a quiet cottage on the hill as their children went on to produce them their grandchildren... Ivor joking that each and every one of them were ugly... and Harper slapping him in the face right after...

And then the day Ivor began to feel sick and started coughing blood, Harper rushed him to the hospital as fast as possible... the doctors coming back with the report and some blood red letters on the papers... the dread in Harper's eyes when she knew what this meant for both of them...

The years of fighting the illness, a valiant effort indeed... and then the doctor announcing that his illness was terminal, and that soon it would kill him... and then just a few moments ago when they announced they were cutting his life support to end his suffering... and the words "I'm sorry..." being uttered by the remorseful doctor...

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