VIII: Roommates, reincarnated (F. Jesse x Petra)

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Requested by Louane_LND

[No POV]

Petra failed to hold in her excitement as she stepped through the limestone gate and into the courtyard of the one and only Heroes Academy, the finest institution for the art of sword combat, fist combat, and all other types of combat. She's trained hard to get to this point, and this was her first day. She can envision herself as a strong and mighty duelist dominating each and every one of her opponents sometime in the near future.

"This is it..." she said, breathing in the crisp cool air. "You've waited your whole life for this, and that time has now come... alright..."

Without waiting another second, she walked inside and checked in at the reception.

"You're in Room 47, and your roommate hasn't arrived yet, she should arrive promptly," said the receptionist, passing Petra a small silver key. She left and went up the stairs, aware that her roommate for the next four years will also be a female.

"44... 45... 46... 47- here we are," counted Petra, stopping at a wooden door that had the metal numbers 47 nailed on it. Sliding and turning the key, she slowly pushed the unlocked door open and stared inside. The flat consisted of a double bedroom with two separate single beds each with two pillows, a plain white duvet, and a dresser, with a view of the main courtyard, a small fridge in the corner, and a mirror nailed to the wall. Each bed also had a wardrobe for clothes, and there was an ensuite bathroom. "Huh, this looks nice," she commented, before dragging her suitcases and bags in.

She started to unpack, putting her shirts and shorts and underwear in the wardrobe next to the bed she had chosen (if you come in and face forward, she'd be on the left), then popped her boots on a small rug to avoid getting mud on the floor, then she stripped out of her clothes, tossed them into her laundry basket, then showered.

Fifteen minutes later, she was redressed in blue pyjamas and quietly reading a book with a pair of black-rimmed reading glasses that made her look geeky. Everything was quiet until-

Knock! Knock!

Petra gases up from the black text on the paper to face the door. She suddenly felt excited. Her roommate had arrived. Her friend and fellow peer for the next four years. Excitedly, she threw the book on the bed then jumped up (and nearly tripped over her boots) and rushed over to open the door and greet the person standing outside the door.

As Petra had known beforehand, it was a girl accompanied by her luggage. A rather pretty- no- BEAUTIFUL young girl about Petra's height, with simple skin complexion, rose red lips that gave a sweet toothy smile, soft black hair that stopped just above her shoulders, and stunning eyes that were green as leaves on an evergreen.

"Hi! I'm Jessica. You must be my roommate," she said excitedly.

"Pleasure, name's Petra," replied Petra, holding her hand out. Jessica took one look at the outstretched hand, then looked back at Petra, and then she took one little step towards her, and gently pecked her on the cheek. Petra glared at her in shock, her hand on the spot where she had been kissed, while Jessica blushed.

"Hee hee, sorry. Where I'm from, you kiss people to greet them, unless they're your superior (older) in which case you bless them with their hand against your forehead," she explained briefly, clearing her throat. "Nice to meet you too Petra, I'm looking forward for these next couple of years," she added before coming in.

Petra decided to lend a hand and bring the rest of Jessica's luggage inside, then she started to help her unpack. The pair had very little eye contact and vocal interaction during this, but Jessica grinned at Petra whenever she had the opportunity without being seen, while Petra contemplated on the random and awkward kiss, and whether she was honest about why she did so.

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