VII: Rivals by day, lovers by night (M. Jesse x Stella)

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Requested by Pyro-Psycho

[No POV]

Jesse slowly pushed the door open and peeked through the gap to make sure the coast was clear. When not a single being was in sight, not even a zombie or a chicken, he snuck out of his house and out of Beacontown, slipping through the alleyways like a ninja. Then once he was out of the high-rising cobblestone walls, he legged it towards Champion City, or at least, what remained of it after Romeo reduced it to rubble. No, he had no intent of looting or stealing. He went there... to find Stella.

Yes you heard me correctly, the Stella as in the leader of Champion City, and in everyone else's eyes, Jesse's sworn rival and one of his worst enemies. Often seen insulting each other's towns and boasting about their own, their public confrontations can sometimes become so heated, they'd need the strength of 30 Axels solely to keep them two inches away from each other. Yes they seem like extremely bitter rivals who take every opportunity to spit in the other's face.

What they don't know, and that only the two of them know, is that all those insults and potential violence... was all just an act to cover up any evidence.

Evidence... of their love affair.

Yes, that is correct. Jesse has been in a romantic relationship with his so-called rival. Heck, he HATES that name with a passion. Behind everyone's back, the couple would be found kissing or flirting or having dinner with each other. It all just used to be silly compliments and cheesy gestures, until one night, Stella made the first move... and ten minutes later she found herself naked on Jesse's bed, crying and begging for more. It surprised him to learn that Stella was a virgin, and that she had saved herself for the right man, who she deemed him to be. They covered up their sex by telling everyone that they got lost in a mining trip, and every oblivious one of them bought it.

Only a handful of people, namely Jesse's friends, remain suspicious, but as long as none of them realise any chemistry between them, neither of them were bothered, and both can continue to enjoy their lovemaking while reminiscing about their first night together.

Jesse I've... I've been wanting to tell you something for... a really really long time...

I... I want you too Stella. I was just too scared to tell you...

Mmm... already so big for me. You've wanted this for a long long time haven't you?

Ahh I'm cumming... !!!

Hehehe, one touch of my hand and already so wet...

L-lick me Jesse. I c-can't resist for any longer!

You're... you're... still a virgin?

I was saving myself for the right one... and it was totally worth it...

Th-that's... that's... thank you Stella.

Mmmmmhhhh!!!! Yeeeeeeeees!!!!

Ssh... don't want people to hear us now do we?

Y-yes daddy.

Dang it I don't have any condoms. Guess I'll pull out so we don't risk getting you preg-

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