Smissmas 2018: Dateless on Christmas Eve (Aiden x Petra)

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Requested by JenTheHeckling (🎁 I decided to do Aiden x Petra this Smissmas and I realised you requested one, so consider this my little Smissmas gift to you! 😁)

My most sincere apologies for not uploading in what seems like an eternity, I've just really been struggling with keeping a creative mindset and my vocabulary bank is running quite dry. If you want to know how much I am struggling, I have FOUR chapters labelled Chapter 8 for four different ships. I've been looking at other stories for inspiration so I don't end up trying to sound too repetitive. Anyways Merry Smissmas everyone and hope you enjoy (or not 😢) this little thing I've put together for you guys.

Jesse and Jessica aren't related.

⚠️Contains some heartbreak and is rather violent and unpleasant. Proceed at your own risk.⚠️


That time of year was coming yet again. Lukas was hosting yet another one of his big Christmas parties and everyone was invited. Perhaps one of the more exciting parts is that everyone is encouraged to bring a date with them or face the embarrassing stigma of being lonely on one of the biggest celebrations in the world. And starting on the 17th of December was the event we dubbed Date Rush where everyone frantically ran around asking people to accompany them to the party, and let me tell you, everyone is excited as ever for the party...

Everyone except poor old me. It is with great shame that I admit that I will be attending the party by myself with no date... because someone else beat me to the one I wanted to ask.

7 days ago...

"I'm really sorry Petra, but... someone's already asked me out... and I said I'd go with her..." The moment I heard those words come out of Jesse's mouth, my heart stopped. Worse still, another girl appeared in the corridor and called to him. To my dread, it was none other than Jessica, fellow peer and- I suppose you could say- love rival.

"Jesse! Can't wait for the party in a few days!" she called in her soft endearing voice. I turned from her to glare at Jesse with dread.

"Again, I'm really sorry..."

And then before he could say another word, I ran off in the opposite direction. Even though I never turned back, I knew Jessica was giving me a toxic glare. Once I was out of sight, I bundled up in a corner and cried my eyes out; a rare sight, but it happens. How could I have been so stupid to not act as quickly as I can? I was too late. Nothing can describe the near-physical heartbreak I was experiencing, but nothing can describe how stupid I felt for being so slow.

*REQUESTS NO LONGER ACCEPTED* Minecraft Story Mode: One-Shots (Red Edition)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt