XIV: Still the same Lukas I know and love (M. Jesse x F. Lukas)

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"Alright come out, let's see what it looks like," I said to a closed changing room. The door opened slowly, and out came a young, beautiful blue-eyed blond girl who had an embarrassed look on her face. She was trying on a denim skirt and she felt awfully exposed.

"Mmm..." she hummed in discomfort, looking at herself in the mirror. "Uhh... how do I look Jesse?"

I scratched my head and sweated a little thinking of an appropriate response, but the girl just sighed and went back in to change into her jeans. "I honestly think you looked pretty in that skirt Luk- Lucy..."

Lucy blushed a little and kept her head down as she exited the clothes shop. I chased after her and found her curled up in a ball outside in anguish.

"Lucy..." he sighed.

"Sorry Jesse... I just... I just can't get used to this... this new me!" she cried, sounding pained. I knelt down and lifted her face up.

"Don't say that, you will... eventually... but you will! I know you will!"

I vividly remember that day when Lukas and I were exploring down in a deep cave and we found this mysterious white glow. We discovered it came from this unusual rainbow crystal, and the moment Lukas laid his hands on it we were blinded by this bright bright light. And when we were able to see again, I saw Lukas... but he had somehow transformed into a girl! An undeniably sexy girl for that matter. And I myself had turned into a guy.

Lukas- now Lucy- panicked, locked herself in her house for a few days and refused to speak to anyone, even me. Then a week later, she said she was willing to start going outside again, that she was ready to try and accept her new life as a girl, at least until we could find out how to undo the effects of the crystal. I somehow adapted pretty well, but Lucy on the other hand... was another story.

Lucy uncurled and stretched her legs, sighing in defeat. "It's no use Jesse... I know you're trying to help me but... it's- it's this body! I- I feel like an entirely different person now! I- I don't know what to do now Jesse I-" she dropped her head to stare at the floor, sighing quietly.

"Lucy..." I sat down beside her and placed an arm around her shoulder. "You're not different at all..." She looked up at me, "well, except that but... you're still the same Lukas I know and love, just in a different body. You may have changed on the outside, but do you think you've changed... in here?" I gently prodded her chest, she wiped her eyes and nodded no. "See? You only look different, but that doesn't mean you are... stop telling yourself that you are a different person, I refuse to believe that you are someone else. You shouldn't either."

"J- Jesse..." sniffled Lucy, I lifted her head up again and grinned.

"Lucy... you're beautiful..." I whispered, Lucy blushed and looked away, only for me to turn her sheepishly smiling face back to me and lightly kiss her on the lips. Lucy broke away and giggled.

"Funny, I should be saying that to you..." she said, and I chuckled. "Hehe, thanks Jesse. I'll try, I promise you that. C- can I have a hug?"

I grinned and embraced her, then I helped her back up on her feet and we walked back to our house. I instructed her to take her jacket off and wait for me upstairs in our bedroom, she looked concerned but obeyed and went upstairs into our room.


Exactly why did Jesse ask me to come up here? Did he want to speak to me somewhere more private? Did he want to take a nap? Well, whatever it was, I have reason to worry. I'm feeling slightly nervous right now, thinking about what Jesse potentially had planned for me.

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