New Year 2020: I suppose we could be friends (M. Jesse x Olivia)

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A/N Hi guys, I hope you all had a good Smissmas this year. I know I said I would publish a chapter on Smissmas Day but I never had the time to do it what with uni taking up most of my time and all. As for my dad sadly passing away on the 24th, I'm feeling okay now. Anyway with that aside, hopefully 2020 will be a great start to the new decade and I hope you enjoy the story!

A/N For those who like to picture these stories, feel free to either choose Martha Plimpton or Natasha Loring voicing Olivia. And imagine whichever Male Jesse you like.

[No POV]

"Aaaaaand why exactly am I dressed up in this tux?" asks Jesse, twisting around to view himself in the mirror dressed finely in a black tux and white shirt. "It's just a hangout isn't it?"

"That an actual question or..." sighs Tommy, dumfounded. "It's a BALL. A black tie event! Y'gotta dress fancy!"

"Well, yeah but..." Jesse straightens his jacket and turns around to face the brunette on the couch. "It doesn't feel... right."

"Doesn't feel right? What's that s'posed to mean?"

"Uhh, look at me!" Tommy briefly stares at the distressed boy and shrugs. "Fancy jacket, bow tie, it feels like I'm going on a date!"

Tommy shrugs again. "Uhh, then make it so it doesn't feel like a date to you?"

"But- but what about Olivia? What if she thinks tonight is a date? What if she tries to kiss me? What if she tries to dance with me? What if she-" Jesse pauses for a moment, checks around the room, and whispers. "What if she confesses to me?!

Tommy sighs a long sigh. "So what? Do you like her?"

"N- No!" Jesse shrieks, a slight hue of red appearing on his cheekbones, which Tommy ignores.

"Aight, then just say no."

"I can't just say no! She might get upset!" Jesse retaliates. Tommy thinks for a moment, then answers.

"Mate, you two have been close friends for YEARS. You've been through so much together, I can't exactly say I'd be surprised if she does feel that way. Liv's an understanding person, I'm sure she'll be perfectly fine if you don't, you'll still be good friends and you can both enjoy the fireworks!" Tommy firmly places his hand on Jesse's shoulder and draws slightly nearer. "Just keep your cool and keep her smiling. Maybe she will try all that stuff you mentioned, but just roll with it if it'll make her happy, alright?"

Jesse removes Tommy's hand from his shoulder and dusts his jacket. "Why couldn't Axel have just taken her? *sigh* That damn freak accident..."

"You'll be fine, I know you will," says Tommy, patting his shoulder. Jesse turns around to leave but Tommy quickly yells "Enjoy yourselves" before he shuts the door.


As Jesse rides along the long railway track to the city of Redstonia, he takes a long gaze up into the night sky and sighs.

"The year's over already huh..." he says to himself, checking his watch which reads 21:45. "It's just a hangout with your bestie Jesse, it's just that. It's just friends hanging out together at a New Year's Eve ball. It's.... just... that..."

Several months prior to the present day, Jesse defeated Romeo and saved the Overworld from becoming bedrocked over. The powerless normal human Romeo returned to the Underneath the bedrock with the promise of helping the trapped souls live a happier life, and Petra departed from Beacontown to go out into the great unknown. Jesse chose to stay and continue running the town and training Radar so that one day he would succeed him and make the town a far greater place to live.

*REQUESTS NO LONGER ACCEPTED* Minecraft Story Mode: One-Shots (Red Edition)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon