*JOKE* XVI: Lubricant (M. Jesse x Petra)

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"Say, what do you think of Petra? As a person I mean?" asks Tommy, striking the cue ball and scattering the other balls around the table. I finish rubbing chalk onto the end of my cue stick then position myself to aim for the 1 ball.

"She's... reliable I guess. A good teammate," I answer.

"I don't mean it like that you idiot," he says as I take my shot, the 1 ball barely missing the corner pocket. "I mean, what do you think of her? Do you think she's hot? Do you think she's... rough? C'mon, get your head out of the leader gutter for a moment would you?"

"I... I see... so that's what you meant..." I can feel my skin heating up at the very question. I think quietly for a second while Tommy takes his turn and sinks the 1 ball. "I... I suppose you wouldn't be completely wrong about that part."

"Huh? What part?" Tommy looks up and leans on his cue stick.

"That part when you said I thought she was..." I struggle to say the word for a second, "... hot."

Tommy heeds my answer, then chuckles to himself before going to take his second turn. "Huh, you didn't even sugarcoat it, I respect that."

"And I guess she can be... a little rough around the edges sometimes," I continue, watching the 2 ball stop just in front of the hole and Tommy groaning in frustration. "But to be honest, that's what I like about her, it makes her... it makes her..." The word is on the tip of my tongue but I somehow cannot force myself to say it.

"Makes her what? C'mon, spill it," he says, gesturing to me that it was my turn.

"It makes her..." I repeat these three words as I aim for the 2 ball. I strike the cue and the 2 is easily knocked into the hole. I lean down and prepare to aim for the 3 ball, but he speaks up again.

"Makes her what?" Tommy asks again but with a slight tinge of impatience in his voice.

"It makes her cute, alright?" I snap in annoyance, unaware that I had knocked the cue ball off the pool table and sent it rolling into another room with an open door, while Tommy and I watch. A moment of silence later Tommy speaks.

"Well what are you waiting for? Go get the bloody ball!" he says, gesturing his hand to the door.

"Ow!" We both look to the door when we hear a yell come from inside the room. The voice is all too familiar.

"Oh no, Petra!" I exclaim, barging the door open...

... to find a pair of booted legs sticking out of the washing machine kicking about, and the cue ball in the corner.

To put it simply, Petra got herself stuck in the washing machine. 

While I am clearly shocked, Tommy looked indifferent, in fact I'm willing to bet he is somewhat amused by this.

"Petra! Are you alright?" I say, running up to Petra.

"I dunno, do I LOOK alright smarty pants?" I hear her muffled voice. "Get me out of here already!"

"R- right!" I grab Petra by the hips (she gives off some unusual noise) and tug with all my might, but to no avail, she is very much stuck. "Crap!" It is then that I notice Tommy is still at the doorway staring. "Well why are you just standing there? Help me here dammit!"

"Hey I'm not gonna lie to you," Tommy begins to say while pointing at the hopelessly stuck redhead. "That's kinda hot."

"This isn't the time to be thinking of such things!" I growl. "The fit is too tight!"

"Heh, too tight," chuckles Tommy, making me fume. "I'll go get the lubricant, it should help for a... smoother fit." He turns around and heads into the cloakroom.



Oh no... he can't mean...

Realising what this would mean I desperately try and unstick myself pushing against the back of the drum, but to no avail again.

I can't give up! At this rate Jesse's gonna... he's gonna...

I'm not entirely against the thought, I admit I have had the hots for that brunette for quite a while, and admittedly I've been... curious... but this? This is all too fast! And because I'm stuck here now he's going to take advantage of me? That damn perv!

"Here, make sure you apply it ALL around, else it won't be a very smooth ride," I hear Tommy say to Jesse.

"Right right whatever," Jesse says back.

I hear their footsteps approach me, and a pair of hands grip my hips again. My heartbeat starts to accelerate and turmoil begins to stew up inside me. Hearing a lid open, I prepare for the worst and squeeze my eyes shut...


... only to notice a finger tracing around the opening of the machine, my eyes open and I realise the hands hadn't pulled my pants down yet... or done anything of a similar nature.

"H- huh? Wh- what's... what's going-"

"No, you gotta use more!" says Tommy. The hand makes another circle around the opening. I gasp when I feel another pair of hands grip my thighs. "Alright, you ready?"

"Ready!" says Jesse.


I feel the hands gripping my hips and thighs begin to tug on me, and slowly but surely I start to feel my body slide out of the machine. I let out a prolonged groan at the painful squeezing, but I willingly endure it for the sake of getting out of it.

"Keep pulling!" Tommy yells.

"I don't wanna pull too hard or she might dislocate something!"

"She won't dislocate jack shit so just pull!"

A minute of pulling and grunting later I suddenly feel myself accelerate backwards, colliding into somebody behind me and in turn, colliding straight into the wall behind us. I land straight down onto someone's lap, that someone I quickly identify to be Jesse.

"Ow... my head..." he groans. "Petra, are you alright?"

"Yeah, way better. Thanks Jesse," I reply, smiling, making him smile back.

"You two look cozy," we look in the direction of the voice, it is Tommy, he is tossing a cue ball in his hand and smirking at us.

"Huh? What do you-" Jesse stops, and blushes a deep red when he realises his arms wrapped around my hips and I was sitting on his lap. "Oh g- god I-"

I couldn't help but burst into laughter. Tommy winks then shuts the door, leaving the two of us alone in the laundry room.

"You know... for a moment, I actually thought you were gonna... y'know..." I blush and playfully twirl my hair around my finger, smiling sheepishly at Jesse.

"N- no! Of course not! I wouldn't think of such a thing! Not yet anyways..."

"What was that?" I ask teasingly.

"Nothing!" he says just as I feel something rise up and poke me.

Sure, nothing...

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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