nine / dreams

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' Chapter Nine '
" It all changed since the beginning. ",
- ??

+Perspective / Nobody+

As we left the building, Canada began to talk to Prim again, completely ignoring my existence.  " Nada, you know I should check on Rusi, right? ", I spoke up, catching both his and Prim's attention. They chuckled as the nodded.  " Yeah, sorry about that, Y/n. ", Canada said, scratching the back of his head.  " Hey, you stole my nickname for him! ", Prim yelled, smacking Y/n, " Bad, Y/n! "

The three entered the bar, watching as Russia hit America with a whine bottle, breaking it.  The sound of glass shattering filled the room, blocking out the indistinct chatter and music playing in the background. America winced at the pain in his head as he stood, looking around. He smiled as he noticed Y/n, " Oh, hey. ", America said, smiling.   " Is he okay? ", Prim asked Nada, who shrugged and sighed.  " What? ", America asked, focusing on Canada who was talking to nobody, or that's what he saw. " Long story. Very unbelievable. But anyways, Rus isn't drunk, is he? ", Y/n asked, looking at the slav behind America that was arguing with a rat.

" I'm not even sure. ", America responded, looking back at him. " I suggest you imitate my voice. ", Prim said, smirking.  " W-what, why? ", Nada and Y/n asked in union, staring at Prim. " I can tell when he's drunk or not,, normally I'd get someone to imitate my voice and we'd laugh when his drunken ass would think the person is me, but of he's not drunk.... ", She trailed off.  " Oh.. ", Y/n murmured.   " Who are you talking to? I don't see anyone between you two. ", Ame asked, looking around them.  " Again,, long story, sounds fake. ", Y/n repeated.  " Oh? ", He asked.

" Hold on. " , You said, approaching Russia. " Rusi~? ", You spoke with a monotone and cold yet soft and sweet voice to the slav. He slowly turned to face you, " Fuck off, Ukra -- Oh, it's you. ", Russia said as he sighed.   " I'm ready to go.  ", You said, taking his bottle of vodka.  " Alright, let's go. "

+your perspective+

Russia and I got to his house. It was big; like,, big. I'd probably call it a mansion or something. " So, you have a problem with people speaking to you like that. Why? ", I asked. Well, I kind of knew why, but I wanted to hear more from him, so~

I noticed him tense up. " I-If you're okay with speaking, of course! I.. ", I trailed off.   Russia ignored me and opened the door. As I stepped in, I noticed how comfortable it is. It didn't smell of vodka or cigarette smoke, either.    " Pick your own room. ", Russia said, gesturing for me to go upstairs.   " Oki! And if you're hungry, I'm cooking. ", I said before climbing the stairs.

The first door I saw was locked, so I tried the one beside it. It was locked as well.  I checked the other bedrooms that I could access and settled with a minimalist style bedroom. Why? It had my favorite colors.   As I put my small bag on my bed, I looked around, feeling like I forgot something, or someone.

I was about to take my necklace off, but I didn't feel it.  Panicked, I rummaged through my bag.  It wasn't there.  ' P-Prim! ', I thought.

Brushing the feeling off, I changed into (insert) clothes and returned to Russia downstairs.  " Are you hungry? ", I asked. He shook his head.  " Then I'm going to bed, goodnight. ", I said and ran up the stairs on all fours, chuckling lightly. 
. . .
I opened the closet, and a bunch of pictures fell out. They had writing on the back of them. I picked one up, looking at it. It was of Russia and ....Prim? They were little kids. Were they also doing chores? I turned it over to read what was on it.

'' I remember when we were young. You'd always get in trouble and I'd be in the middle of it, even when I had to idea what was going on. ''

' Russia has a girlfriend~! ", I sang in my head as I looked at another. It was of her and Russia hugging. They were sitting in a field.  I happened to notice the flower crown on her head.

'' September 7th '', It read.


decided to stop being nosey and gathered the photos, placing them in a box.  I then went to sleep.

I opened my eyes to see a girl sitting on a swing. She wasn't swinging, though. She slowly kicked her legs back and forth as she hummed a song. It sounded familiar. Then she began to sing.
'' You are my sunshine,, ''
I felt myself floating towards her.
'' My only sunshine,, ''
I stopped behind her. I looked down at the puddle I stepped in. I looked... Like Jessie.
'' You make me happy ~~ ''
I looked at the girl, fear filling my eyes as I began to tremble.
'' When skies are grey... '', She began to slow down. She looked like she was about to fall.
'' You'll never know dear, '', Her voice became shaky.
I felt like I was trembling even more.
'' How much I.. Love.. You.. '', She sang. Her voice was barely above a whisper. She was sobbing, but still singing.
'' Please don't take.. '',
I felt my grip tighten on something. It was a knife..
'' My sunshine.. ''
I raised my arm, ready to stab her. Tears were streaming down my face.
'' Away.. ''
I was about to stab her.

I woke up screaming as I pushed myself into a sitting position. I was breathing heavily. Russia quickly opened the door. He looked scared.  " Y-Y/n? ", He asked.  I placed my hands on my stomach.

My short felt damp. I looked down at my now bloody hands, shaking. Russia was already beside her and pulled my shirt up. There was a huge wound there.

" H-Help.. ", I said, sounding like Prim before I fell unconscious.
'' It all changed since the beginning.. '', Another voice whispered in my ear.
Chapter Nine
Oop I swear the romance will be here soon sksk
And uh,, I'm shipping Prim for backstory purposes (??), she won't be actually dating, though??? It's just in the past. Hah,,

Also, I'm going to slow updates on this so I can work on publishing my other stories. 
And thanks for all the reads! I swear, last time I checked it was at like 90?? Jdjdh I don't deserve this! :0

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