seven / prim

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' Chap Seven '
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' There's this creepy ghost girl who knows too much. '
- Y/n

~ Perspective ; Y/n / / Reader

As Germany basically dragged me to his car, I began to wonder where I went wrong in life. " --/n? ", His voice faded in as I looked up at him.  " Shut up. ", I said before getting into the car. I put my seatbelt on like the smartass I am.  Germany sat in the driver's seat, also buckling his seatbelt as he started the car. He looked at me, glaring.  " Now, just know I'm not doing this because I want to. ", He said sternly.  I nodded, not really caring. I've got UN on my side and that's all I need. Wait,, UN...

' Why does he trust me? I'm.. a human. Did he have nothing to do with Jessie, or did he know but didn't care. It's good to have someone trust me, but I'm quite surprised he did. ', I thought as I looked out the window. Germany reversed the car. He then drove to his house.

I watched as the sun began to set, making the sky an orange-yellow ombré. Stars slowly began to appear in the sky. Soon enough, the moon was rising as the sky was now a dark blue. I hadn't noticed that we had already arrived. " Y/n, we're here. ", Germany announced, pulling me from my thoughts. " Oh,, okay. ", I said as I unbuckled the seatbelt and grabbed my bag. We headed inside and Germany showed me to my room. " Don't try anything. ", Germany said before leaving me to unpack.  I turned around, taking in every detail. It had this aesthetic feel to it. 

Sighing, I walked over to the bed and placed my bag on a comfy white chair.  I noticed some pictures on one of the side tables and looked at them. I could only recognise Germany, America, Russia and who I'm assuming is Third Reich. One of the pictures were of Germany and America running in a field as little kids. I happened to notice it covering another picture. ' No, Y/n! Curiosity killed the cat.. ', I thought as I sat on my bed, running a hand through my (curly/straight) H/c hair.   ' But satisfaction brought her back. ', A soft voice rang in my head.  I quickly sat up, looking around my room.

' Ah, don't worry~! It's just me. ', The voice continued. It was feminine for sure,, it was also soft and monotone. I happened to noticed her voice had a high yet deep pitch. " Who are you? Show yourself! ", I almost yelled, somehow not stuttering.  ' I wanted to mess with you more, but okay." , The voice said. A girl -- No, country appeared in front of me. She was somewhat translucent.

" Who are you, exactly? ", I asked, tilting my head.  She remained silent.  I sighed, taking in her appearance. She had short, white hair, and what looked like fox ears. Her face was about three different colors. The top half was a burgundy-ish color, the gotten half was a light yellow and a small white diamond was on the left side of her cheek. She wore a dark blue cloak and what looked like a witch hat, which was purple. She wore a white blindfold. It had a checkerboard patten. The word 'life' was in the middle. She hummed, catching my attention.

" What country are you! I've never seen your flag. ", I looked at the girl who only sighed.   " You'll find out what my name is. Anyways, what's your name? ", The girl asked.  " I-I'm Y/n,, wait, why should I tell you mine if you won't say yours!? ", I almost yelled.  Sighing, the female walked towards me. " As I've said, you will find out. For now, make a name for me. "

I nodded. " Alright, how about I call you....  Prim? ", I said, smiling. Prim nodded, liking the name. " Alright. ", She murmured.  I opened my mouth to speak, but the door swung open. Germany stood there, looking at me weirdly. " Who are you talking to? ", He asked.
I looked at Prim, who put a finger over her lip, gesturing for me to not tell him.  " Uh,, sorry, I might've said my thoughts put loud, huh? ", I said, chucking nervously.  Germany sighed, " Okay. Bathe or something and then come downstairs. I'll make dinner. " He then walked away, shutting the door behind him.

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