four / memories

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' Chapter Four '
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Perspective - Third Person ; Author

America and Russia were walking around a field, tired and hungry. Russia stopped walking as he looked at America.  " Nobody's here, Ame. I'm going inside. ", Russia said in a soft voice. He then walked towards the house.  " Rus, wait! ", No matter how much America called him, Russia wouldn't turn to look at him.  He sat on the grass, sighing. " I swear I saw someone out here.. ", He mumbled. He looked up, noticing a bush shaking. " Aha.. ". He quickly stood, running at the bush and pouncing on whatever had gotten out of it.

It was a girl.  She had short, brown hair. She had green eyes and freckles. Her skin was soft and pale, but covered in scratches. She looked up at America wide-eyed as sue blushed. " RA-", America put a hand over her mouth. " N-No, I'm not going to rape you. Who are you? ", He let her go. She slowly scooted away.   She stopped once she was a comfortable distance from Ame.  " I'm Jessie. ", She muttered.   " Oh. And I can tell you're from the human world.. ", America said to her.  He noticed her staring. Her expression went from scared to happy.  " You're.. Real? ", She asked. Her voice became quieter. " Hu- Ah! ", Before America could finish, Jessie had tackled him into a hug.  " God, I never thought this would happen. ", She said to herself. " What do you mean? ", America asked.

He was feeling uncomfortable around Jessie as she got off of him. She smiled at him as she stood, " You're a countryhuman, right? ", She asked.  " You're kinda popular to humans. They love you, and you're my favourite! " America gasped, " Wait, they know about us? ", He asked..  " Yes, but they're sad that you're 'fictional'. ", Jessie said, waving her hand at him as he rolled his eyes. " But I know this isn't a dream, because everything hurts right now. "

" America!! " (FUCK YEAHHH), Canada called as he ran around, looking for him. Jessie gasped as she saw him. " Oh no.. ", America mumbled. He watched as Jessie ran towards Canada, embracing him. " Hi, I'm Jessie!! I'm so happy to-, ", America pulled her away from Canada.   " Look, we don't trust humans much, so don't do.. that. ", America said to Jessie. She smiled and nodded. Canada glared at him, " What did you do this time? "

" I just saw her here. ", He explained.  Canada narrowed his eyes at him before looking down at Jessie. " Well, I can't leave you here, so.. How about we ask dad if she could stay with us? ", Canada asked America.  He seemed to like the idea.
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" - -Merica! ", Y/n's voice faded in and out.  " Ame~? ", She shook him violently. He still wouldn't wake up.  With a sigh, Y/n walked out of the room.
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" Of course she can! " , France said happily.  " Woah, really? ", America asked.       " Yes. Just... Don't push your luck, okay? "

Jessie nodded.  She then looked at Poland, " Oh, you! You must be Polen. ".   " P-Poland. ", He corrected.   She nodded, " I really like you! You're super cool. ", She hugged him.   " O-Oh, okay. "

After hugging everyone, Jessie went outside after she claimed to have needed some time alone. She wandered into the forest. She got to a clearing and looked around. ' Nobody's following me, good. '

She pulled out a phone and began typing to a friend.

[ May ]

<[ Hey Jess, did you get here? ]

[ Yes. ]>
[ So, what's the plan? ]>

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