three / home

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' Chapter Three '
Ah yes, leaf worter.
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Third Person

The sun was beginning to set as the sky became a pink-orange ombré. Stars were slowly beginning to appear.  The grass swayed with the wind and fireflies were appearing.  " Everything is so peaceful at night. ", Y/n muttered. 

She was walking through the woods with America. It was silent, and a part from crickets and leaves crunching beneath their feet, everything was quiet.  " I know.. ", America responded. He smiled at Y/n, though she wasn't looking.  Her H/c hair was also swaying with the wind as she run some fingers through it.  " Hey, Ame? ", She looked up at the country.  " If you don't mind me asking, why don't they want me here, and why do they say things like ' we can't make that mistake again. '? ", Her voice could barely be heard.

She felt America tense up, gulping - He remained quiet for a few seconds. This was making her worry. " ...Well, some years ago another human came here, of course it was my fault, or at least that's what everyone believes.  Her name was Jessie, I think. She had brown hair, green eyes-- And a sweet personality. Just like you, she was happy about seeing us, mainly because she could escape global warming.  We got close to her, especially Russ and I, and we trusted her. She took turns staying with us, and loved with us last. We weren't dating, but we kind of acted like it.  ", America sighed.

" After some months, she began acting strange. She'd be gone for days at a time, and was being a bit clingy with everyone. She was also saying inappropriate stuff, especially to poor Poland. ", He stopped to chuckle, " Well, a month passed and she completely vanished, and with Poland.   We would search for them for days without sleeping or taking a break. We eventually found them in an abandoned house a month later. Poland was somewhat okay. and Jessie.. She.. She was a different person, a whore... And a liar. Everything she said and did was a lie. She didn't do anything to Poland yet. But we found put she only came here to use us, she also... Killed a close friend.  I can't really explain this properly, since I don't really know the rest. You could ask Russia, though.. ", He smiled at Y/n.

She had so many questions, but decided to keep quiet. " Alright. I'll ask him. ", Y/n said sweetly.  She noticed America had stopped walking, so she looked around him to see another huge house. " Is this it? ", Y/n asked.  " Yeah, now come on, let's get inside. "
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Y/n stepped out of the shower, changing into (whatever) clothes as she checked her phone. There were many kissed calls and messages.

She ignored them.
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She went downstairs, where America, Canada and Russia were. Not knowing what to say, Y/n hurried into the kitchen. There were some pictures in the trash. She couldn't see what they were as they were all torn or crushed.  ' I wonder what that Jessie girl did, and what happened. ', She looked up at the window.  She felt as though she was being watched.    She then turned around. Russia was there, glaring at her.  " What are you doing? ", He asked.   " I'm just- I honestly don't know. ", Y;n said with a shrug, " But anyways, why do you hate me? ".  Sadness hinted her voice.  Russia sighed before looking away, " I don't want to talk about it. "

"  Is it about Jessie? ", Y/n asked.  He flinched before looking at her wide-eyed. " America told me all he knew, and I kinda feel bad. I don't know what happened after so he said I could ask you. ", Y/n explained.   " She killed a lot of people we cared about. ", He muttered.

" But she's dead now, so just forget it. Get out, I can't even trust you still - ". " I'm not like her, okay? Don't worry.. ", Y/n said as she walked out of the kitchen.  Canada and America were talking about something, and laughing.  She smiled before walking up to them.

" I'm going to sleep now.. ", Y/n muttered to America before walking into her bedroom. She flopped onto her bed but not before charging her devices.  She then wrapped up in her blanket and fell asleep.
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Re-made. Oh, and thanks for the support. owo
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Words ; 731

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