six / moving

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' Chapter Six '
' This just sucks. '
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Perspective ; Third Person ; Author

' But maybe..

This was a misunderstanding.

..Right? '

One Week Later

America was walking around the park. The sky was cloudy, making everything looked grey and depressing. He sighed, sitting on a wooden bench as she looked around. Indonesia and Malaysia were arguing, and squirrels were screaming at each other or an acorn.

With a long sigh, America stood up, leaving the park to return home.  As he walked, he checked the time. It was now 5:30 p.m. He sighed again before reaching his house.

The door swung open, revealing UN, UK and France sitting around a table. Germany was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed. As soon as he stepped in, everyone looked at him. " Ame! There you are! We were just talking about what to do with Y/n! Speaking of.. Where is she? ", France greeted America then looked at Britain. He shrugged.   " Hm.. Now what you're here, why don't you look for her? We need her here. ", France suggested. America nodded and walked upstairs, checking her room.  A note was on her bed.

America picked it up, reading each word.

'      Dear Ame,

                   I know your stupid ass will come look for me, but I wanted to let you know that you shouldn't.  It's clear that I only bring problems, Germany and Britain hate me for that. And now I'm leaving. I don't know where I'll go but I do know it's going to be away from you.  

- Y/n.    '

He folded the note and placed it in hos chest pocket and turned to walk out the door. He went downstairs.  " Where's Y/n? ", France asked. Sighing, America handed France the note that Y/n wrote.  France read it aloud. Once she had finished, she glared at Britain. " You've made her feel unwelcome.. ", She murmured, " I'm going to look for her. "      " I'm coming with you. ", America said. With that being said, America and France ran into a random direction in hopes of finding Y/n.  America felt worried, but it didn't show.
• Timeskip because yes.
(With Y/n.)

Ukraine and Y/n sat in a field, both creating flower crowns with whatever they could find.  " Maybe we could have a contest? ", Y/n asked, smiling.  Ukraine seemed to like the idea, " Who can make the most? "  Y/n shook her head, " Maybe who can make the biggest? "    They began debating on what the contest should be about. They eventually agreed on who could use the most colors and began.  

as Y/n walked around the field for flowers, she began to feel guilty, yet she couldn't figure out why. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't think about what made her feel this way. She picked up a red, blue and white flower, smiling. She sat down and began making her flower crown.  Minutes passed and Y/n had finished making her crown, and so did Ukraine. She walked towards him, asking him to show his. " Alright, here! ", Ukraine said happily as he showed Y/n his flower crown.  It had 7 different shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and three shades of pink. It also had some white.

Y/n showed her crown, which has five shades of red, blue, purple, grey, green, yellow, pink and some white.  " Y-You win,, ", Y/n said in defeat.  " Heck yeah! ", Ukraine squealed as he jumped up. He also did a cute little victory dance.
(a/n: he precious babey)

The duo returned home. Y/n unlocked the door and twisted the doorknob, slowly opening the door. She froze as she saw both America and France talking to Philippines. " Oh shit.. ", She murmured. " Y-Y/n! ", America yelled, running to hug the female.

" D-Don't leave me like that.. ", He whispered. ' How the hElL did this guy find me? ', Y/n thought.

After some minutes, Y/n was returning to America's house, and against her will.  Everyone remained silent while walking.
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u w u
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Once they got to America's house, UN was about to leave. " Oh! Is this Y/n? ", He asked, looking down at the human. " Oui. ", France responded.  " Ah, okay.  Anyways, she'll be staying with Germany. " He noticed the girl's s/c skin become pale(or paler).  " That's absurd! What if he kills me? O-Or,, ", She began to panic. America felt sad that she had to go.  He pat her head to comfort her as UN spoke.

" He won't do anything to you. I'll make sure of it. But if he does.. ", He paused to  at Germany, who looked terrified. UN cleared his throat, " Pack your things when you're ready. "    He then looked at UK before walking off.  Y/n held her bag, which had everything she needed. " Are you sure this is a good idea? ", Y/n asked as he looked at UK.  He groaned, pinching his non-existent nose bridge. " Yes, Y/n. Now go. ", He said, pushing Germany to her.  " Are you ready? ", Germany asked her.  She slowly nodded before being pulled away.

" G-Goodbye. ", She stuttered, waving to America and
~  ~
Sixth chapter, boy! B)
Alright, sorry this sucks I was rushing it haha. But anyways you're going to be-- Nevermind spoilers.

Ich have this new book, which is Countryhumans x Oc, and would appreciate it if you read it. Of course I'm not forcing you, but--

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