"Fixing" a Minor Design Problem I've had

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A/N: this was kinda something minor I did a little while ago. I was basically experimenting with the edit thing I have on my computer (which is a much better thing to use than paint) and I thought I'd fix something.

Now the design in the 2018 Venom film is great, it's honestly the most comic accurate we've gotten with Venom in film so far. But, besides the lack of the Spider Symbol, there's one other thing that kinda bothered me with this design. The Feet.

(I know I can't be the only one here who finds the normal feet thing a little disturbing)

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(I know I can't be the only one here who finds the normal feet thing a little disturbing).

Yeah, I don't have a problem if they couldn't bother doing the sock-like feet since Venom doesn't always have that look in his many appearances, but the way they looked on him in the venom film just seemed a little awkward. They looked a little too "normal" if you catch my drift. 

So I did some quick working on Edit and attempted to give Venom the more clawed toes thing and have it try to match how his fingers work. And this is the result.

As you can see the toes a lot more claw like and less weird to look at compared to the more human looking toes

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As you can see the toes a lot more claw like and less weird to look at compared to the more human looking toes. I tried to make them more sock like, but I didn't get the best results.

(As for getting a Spider Symbol on there, not a chance I'll be able to pull that off).

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