epilogue: new arrival + a wedding

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[song for chapter: DYNAMITE-BTS]
|| June 11th 2024 ||
Alana's POV:
Butter,sugar,vanilla,soft chocolate morsels.
Flour flying in the air and giggles emerging out of nowhere.
I'm baking chocolate cookies with Yumi in the kitchen that will go perfectly with the gifts we're bringing to Amaris & Jimin's wedding which is tomorrow.
I planned our outfits out down to the last detail.
We're gonna match and us three are going to look so cute.
I scoop out some of chocolate goo we created and place onto a heavily greased pan to bake for over 30 minutes to a hour possibly.
Yumi who insisted on making the cookies with her,is kicking her feet back and forth while coloring in a page in her coloring book.
Ugh kids,but that adorable pouty face convinced me and here I am.
Doing all the work like always.
I shove the pan inside the burning hot oven and close it quickly.
I jump and scream when I feel two hands at my waist so I turn around to see Jungkook smirking wickedly.
"Hello baby..whatcha making?" He asks me shoving a single digit of his into the remaining batter that was leftover from the cookies.
I watch him lick his finger sensually.
I look over his shoulder to see Yumi has run off to play probably with her toys.
"Cookies. C-chocolate ones." I stutter and mentally curse myself for being so whipped for this man.
"Hmm..you taste better" he says in my ear,his tone raspy and rough.
He sounds like he just woke up but his minty breath reminds me he's been up for a while or he just washed up.
"I-I'm sorry?" I say surprised by the response he said.
"Jungkook..Yumi's still around here stop it!" I say slapping his chest playfully and turn red when he leans in close.
our lips nearly touching when Yumi runs to her father's leg hugging it tightly.
"DADDYYYYY!" She says and he sighs before chuckling.
"You sound tired babe.." I say and he scratches the back of his head.
"No I'm just..feeling needy maybe it's because it's home stretch before baby J's here" he says
"No no it's okay it's not like I'm dying..I can go a day or two even a month without sex from you"
"No NO NO! I didn't mean it like that oh my god shut up Jungkook" he says slapping himself and I grab his face.
"You're such a dork..I love you" I say giggling.
"I love you too i don't know what I did to deserve you" he says
"I could say the same" I say and all of sudden a hard cramp hits me like a ton of bricks.
I grab onto Jungkook's shoulder for support and he notices me groaning in pain quietly while grabbing onto him for dear life.
He looks down and sees a puddle that formed where I'm standing.
"B-baby you broke water.." he says and I look up at him for one second before looking down at the puddle I've created.
"Omg not today! Out of all days!" I say and he runs over to the closet near the stairs and pulls out for already nicely packed hospital bag.
He puts it in the car and I moan as the pain gets worse.
"JUNGKOOK I'M STILL IN HERE" I scream and he runs back inside to pick me up.
He carries me bridal style to the car and speed dials Namjoon & Ashley.
Ash lives next door so they run over with their half asleep kids.
"Stay with Yumi for the night. Alana's in labor" Jungkook says fumbling through his pocket to give them a spare key to the house and quickly gets back into the car.
He pulls us out of the driveway and we make our way to the hospital..
Jimin's POV:
As per tradition from Amaris's family wedding traditions,we haven't been around each other for nearly a month and as agonizing it is to be apart from her this long.
This only makes me want to see her more than ever.
But as much I wanted to get married in a glamorous wedding in a church with Amaris.
The pre-wedding jitters start to take effect and I guess you could say I'm having second thoughts.
Don't get me wrong,I love Amaris but do we have to marry each other in such a elaborate way.
I mean she's going to brought in like the princess she truly is on a horse and everything but secretly inside I wanted us to marry at a secret garden with a limited crowd.
Her family,my family,the boys & their families.
Not over 500+ people to a private wedding hall.
I wished I spoke out about what I wanted for the wedding but Amaris seemed so happy with the thought of this outstanding wedding that I didn't want to crush her dreams of it.
And that is when it happened..
A text message from Namjoon sent to me and the rest of the boys.
"Joon👑: alright boys baby niece is on her way! Alana's at the hospital we have to prepare-"
"Jimin😌: which hospital?"
"Joon👑: Samsung Medical Center why?"
I didn't even bother text back.
I change into comfy sweats and a loose baggy shirt.
I make my way to the hospital  & greet the front desk lady.
"Visiting or need assistance?" She asks me
"Visiting Jeon Alana" I say
"Sorry sir she's not accepting visits at this hour she's in labor-"
"That's fine! I'll be waiting out here till then." I say
"No really ma'am" I say
She sighs and gives me a sticker that says "visitor" on it.
I sit down in the waiting area and watch the tv.
I check the time and it's 9:30pm.
I decide to call Amaris.
"Hello?" She says perfectly in Korean just like I taught her.
She sounds so cute.
"Hey baby.." I say
"Hi hubby-oh wait there's still 12 hours until I can start calling you that!" She says and she sounds enthusiastic on the phone.
But sadly I have to tell her.
"Alana's in labor." I blurt out bluntly and she goes quiet.
"Are you saying to stop the wedding?" She asks me
"I mean Amaris...-"
"You know what..it's ok I'll cancel on 500 people who were anticipating for this wedding-"
"THAT I DIDN'T EVEN WANT" I blurt out and realize what I just said.
"You didn't want to marry me Jimin?" She says sounding hurt.
"No no baby it's just I didn't wanna marry you in this large fashion..I wanted a private small-" I say before I'm cut off.
"Ceremony. Yeah I remember you talking about that.." she says
We stay quiet for a while.
"Maris you still there?" I say
"Idk...I thought you were in love with me Jimin." She says.
"I am baby! I never said I wasn't!" I say a bit loud causing the front desk lady to look at me.
"Sorry" I mouth quietly and go back to my call.
"Then why don't you wanna marry me at the hall? Can I just ask that? Can I just ask why you didn't push for the wedding you wanted then?" She says but her voice cracks at the end.
"Baby..it's because I wanted you to have the dream princess style wedding you probably always wanted-"
"That's just it Jimin. Do you even know me well enough? Cause if you did you would know I'm simple girl who doesn't mind small weddings." She says
We go quiet again but this time she decides to hang up.
Leaving our wedding at a halt I assume,I sit back and sigh.
I look down at my hand.
"I think I just lost the only girl who ever truly loved me for me and not for my money,fame or looks" I say in a low voice and cover my head with my hands.
What a fool I am.
-June 12th 2024-
Alana's POV:
"Ok mama...looks like you're ready to push" the nurse says and I look up with weary eyes.
I've been up all night in mortal pain,twisting and turning every time I try to catch a blink of sleep.
Jungkook who's worried sick hasn't slept either.
He just holds onto my hand and rubs my lower back.
"You got this baby" he says and kisses my sweaty forehead.
I nod faintly and start pushing.
Grabbing the sheets from the pain,praying for a relief from the pain I'm experiencing.
And then one last push.
I take a deep breath and look into Jungkook's eyes for support.
I push again and all my energy leaves my body for a split second.
When my senses come back I hear a infant's cries and I blink wildly when I see it's my daughter.
Our daughter.
"Congratulations mommy & daddy. It's a baby girl" the nurse says cleaning up the baby.
"She's here." I say feeling tired.
"Yes baby you did it! I'm so proud of you!" He says before kissing me tenderly.
"What's her name?" Another nurse says handing Jungkook the birth certificate since I'm too tired to write.
We look at each other and he scribbled on the birth certificate the words "Luna Sky Jeon" and the nurse takes the birth certificate.
[a month ago]
"What name would you want for her?" I said rubbing my large belly that was waiting to drop any minute.
"I like the name Luna" he said looking up for a second from reading a book he bought at the café the week before.
"Me too because it means Moon in Spanish..it shows her mom's heritage" I said smiling big.
"I like the name Sky as well for a middle name because i think Sky sounds like something beautiful." I add and he smiles.
"She'll be our moon and our sky" he said wrapping his arms around me before we laid down to cuddle.
-flashback over-
"You did it." I say smiling and he rubs my back again.
"Of course,remember she's our 2nd princess and she needed a name that meant a lot to us" he says.
I nearly cry hearing the words "our 2nd princess".
I still say astonished at how he raises Yumi like she's his own daughter I can't wait to see how she'll react seeing baby Luna.
I get washed up and ready to take a nap with baby Luna now at my side.
No longer in my belly,she's earthside with me.
Her bright smile already shows me I have a charmer on my hands and I can't wait to grow with her.
I hear a knock on the door.
Jungkook opens it to see Jimin who's tired but has a bouquet of flowers and balloons.
"Omg Jimin what are you doing you should be getting married in like a hour-" I say
"I doubt that's happening. I believe me and Amaris cancelled it all." He says and smiles big when he sees baby Luna.
"Omg she's precious and so tiny!" He says
"J-Jimin?" I hear from the door and I look over him to see Amaris in a short white lace dress,lace fancy gloves and a short white veil in front of her face.
Holding a small bouquet in her hands.
"Amaris!" He says turning around and seeing her.
"What are you doing here?" He asks her and she runs over to him.
"I acted so bitchy last night I apologize for my behavior,I don't care how we get married babe I just wanna spend the rest of my life with only you. I never met a man more loving,passionate and hardworking than you. I know we probably don't know much about each other but we'll learn right?" She says holding his hands tightly.
"So you're saying we're getting married today?" He asks her and she shakes her head.
"Yes and no...No not at the hall because that's not what me or you want." She says
"My parents pressured me into it and I should've told you but I felt-"
"No need to further speak. Is there a chapel in this hospital?" Jimin asks us and Jungkook guides them with a map.
"So will I see y'all at the wedding in a hour?" He asks us and we nod.
"Ok see you then." He says and leaves with Amaris.
-after a while-
All the boys arrive with their families,Jimin's family and Amaris's family arrives as well to a small chapel inside of the hospital.
"Do you Jimin take Amaris to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest says
"I do." Jimin says holding Amaris's hands tightly.
-Jimin's POV:-
I realized now that I wouldn't rather be anywhere than here with her,she looks so perfect in the white mini dress with the veil that covers her.
"Amaris do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest says
"Yes. O-oh I'm sorry father..I mean I do." She says giggling and we all laugh.
"Lift the veil son." The priest says and I lift up the veil carefully.
She looks at me with gentle eyes that reminds me I have just married the most amazing woman in the whole world.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride!" The priest says and we lean in.
We kiss for the first time in what felt like forever,I stood there holding her like as if the world stopped and we were the only ones standing.
Time stopped and goosebumps arose from her skin.
Loud cheers from our families and friends remind us that we are not alone however.
I grab her hand and guide her down hand in hand.
-Alana's POV:-
I look around and see pure happiness in the room.
Jimin's mother smiling ear to ear and Amaris's mother hugging her now Son-In-Law for a photo cheesing like a mad woman.
I look down at the sleeping baby in my arms and I look over to see Yumi on Jungkook's shoulders as we all dance our way out of the chapel.
A new chapter begins and another closes.
#chrissynation 🤍
I love you guys so much,thank you for all the love and support always.
peace and love always

7 men and a toddler [a bts fanfiction] #WATTYS2020Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ