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Gun shots were heard.

Daniel kept running, he kept running until he reached a construction site, the wall that was already built covered him.

With Daniels sobbing self, he pulled out his phone, calling 9-1-1.

"Nine one one, whats your emergency?"  The female operator said.

"Help me please." Daniel sobbed.

"Oh honey whats wrong? Whats happening?" The operator said.

"M-My boyfriend..the gang their gonna kill me..my boyfriend..h-hes
..i dont know whats happening."

"Oh honey whats your name?" They asked.

"D-Daniel." Daniel sobbed.

"Can u verify any more information Daniel?" She asked, her soft voice calmed him down.

"I-I...I'm pregnant.." Daniel started shaking.

It took a moment for the woman to speak again. He heard the woman whisper.

"Male pregnant. Maybe hes high?"

"Ma'am?" Daniel said.

"Yes Daniel?" She said.

"I am pregnant. One month. No im not high, I need help please!!" Daniel cried.

"Uh..okay, yeah sure. Sending group 32 to 178 woodbridge street." The operator said.

"Five minutes and they'll be there. I promise." She said.

"Okay, please hurry." Daniel shaked as he hung up the phone.

Chase and Mattia ran down the street.

"HEY DANIEL!!" Mattia yelled, walking around.

Daniel whimpered from pain, his cramps hurt him.

"OH BABY BOY!!" Charli laughed historically.

Daniel kept quiet. He didn't want to die today, he couldn't.

Not noen, or Corbyn were seen.

The police were arriving. Chase and Mattia were filled in anger.

"HANDS UP!!" The police yelled.

Chase and Mattia ran. The police tried shooting them but Charli and Alvaro hissed at them, beating them.

AJ found Daniel and grabbed his arm. "Here u are." He smirked devilishly.

"PUT HIM DOWN!!" A voice called as they came over, handcuffing AJ into the ground.

Daniel looked to his right and saw her. "Angi..." Daniel sobbed.

"Oh Daniel, they called me right away. They needed me to make sure they're okay." Angi smiled softly as she pulled Daniel out of the construction site.

Daniel didn't see Noen, or Corbyn.

They got Charli, Alvaro, and AJ against the cars, handcuffed.

Charli was full of Anger and you could tell. Alvaro and Aj were stuffed in a car before Daniel could get a glimpse of their faces.

The remaining cops turned, but Chase and Mattia were long gone.

"FUCK!!"The male cop yelled.

"Shit shit shit." The female whispered.

"Hey!! Two males here!!" A female cop yelled. It was Corbyn and Noen.

"ON YOUR KNEES!!" The man yelled at Noen. His hands were all covered in blood. His face had no expression on it.

"Who are you?" The female said.

"Noen Eubanks." Noen said, his hands up in surrender.

"Okay Eubanks, whos side are you on?" The cop asked.

"What? No ones I-" noen got cut off.

"Let him go." Corbyn caughed up. "It wasnt his fault."

"CORBYN!!" Daniel yelled. Angi made him stay.

"We need to cheak on your baby." Angi said.

"He needs me." Daniel sobbed out.

"Well your baby does too." Angi smiled softly as she got out the tool to check the heart rate of the little boy/girl.

Daniel looked at Corbyn while Angi was taking care of him. Daniel gasped as he felt something in his stomach. A kick😭. (So cute!!)

"Oh my baby." Daniel said as tears came down his face. It felt more intense as usual. Even Angi agreed. However, Daniel payed no attention to it.

"Man of the name Corbyn besson, pleaded to be injured with a gun shot, directly at his abdomen." The male sad as the ambulance came.

Corbyn whimpered in pain.


"HEY HEY! DANIELS ESCAPING!!" Alvaro yelled.

The two gangs finally got their gun powder to work, due to that, they shot Corbyn before he could escape.

Noens eyes went wide as he tried to help him.

~flashback over~

Angi took one last look...although, there was something different about Daniels baby.

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